gclassy.com : Gregory (Gus) Class's Media Technology Blog
Microsoft's Consumer Media Technology from a Programmer Writer's Perspective
I'm really excited for this one, hopefully not overly excited... I have great memories of SF II and...
Author: gclassy Date: 08/02/2006
So this is purportedly the official upgrade grid for Windows Vista. The cliffs for the article are...
Author: gclassy Date: 08/01/2006
I hate to rerun news from msweb... but I just noticed that MSN will be distributing the 3 existing...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/31/2006
I really like Gaming 360's summary of the Microsoft forecast for 360 sales. When the 360 first came...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/25/2006
So we now have official announcement of the Zune branded hardware and software products. This will...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/24/2006
This game looks to be the best XBL game yet. This is by the same team that made the Alien Hominid...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/21/2006
I really like this guy's blog. He certainly has the MS bias (probably not as much as I), but he also...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/20/2006
I just noticed two movie downloading service announcements and just found this interesting. iTunes...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/18/2006
I wonder how many times I have encountered these sorts of things and then changed them from being...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/13/2006
I just read this on Joystiq.. We'll be getting a new XBLA every Wednesday this summer. Street...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/11/2006
Engadget pointed to what may be a leaked photo of the Microsoft "Argo" portable media player. This...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/10/2006
Engadget recently took a look at the new Napster MP3 player and it looks pretty nifty! The coolest...
Author: gclassy Date: 07/05/2006
DapReview has an interesting writeup about the Meizu Miniplayer. Gizmodo had brought up the news...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/27/2006
It looks like we're letting people try out the latest live version of Office through our public beta...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/27/2006
Today I received my Sansa e260 from Amazon and I am amazed at how small it is! I have attached a...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/21/2006
I have recently started using Windows Media player 11 at work and home (soon will be using Urge to...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/17/2006
Gizmodo points to a great video review of Sandisk's new player. I impulsively ordered one of these...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/15/2006
The Windows Live team has been working on selecting optimal hardware for their Live video chat....
Author: gclassy Date: 06/14/2006
I have yet to play an Xbox title on my 360, but I know I have amped 2... Combine that with Custom...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/13/2006
I just discovered that Windows Live Messenger allows users to create and play back collaborative...
Author: gclassy Date: 06/05/2006
The folks over at Engadget recently reviewed the SanDisk Sansa and it sounds like a killer PMP....
Author: gclassy Date: 06/04/2006
Wow, in an interview with NBC's Brian Williams at the opening of Apple's new store in New York City,...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/31/2006
The Show On 10 has posted a sweet video of Major Nelson demonstrating the new dashboard update....
Author: gclassy Date: 05/31/2006
I read on some gamer blogs that the Xbox 360 camera will be coming out in the Fall (mid-September)...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/30/2006
This is the update that everyone has been waiting for, according to kotaku, we'll be seeing the...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/26/2006
Automatedhome.co.uk has an interesting story on a Windows Media Center Edition plugin that allows...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/25/2006
I've been waiting to pick up a new game for a little while and now I'm thinking the outfit will be...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/25/2006
According to Achive360Points.com, all of the 360 marketplace content (all 933 downloads)would cost...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/22/2006
Ever since I set up my 360 on my LCD tv, I have wondered if I could get some sort of fancy...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/19/2006
I've been wanting one of these for years! It looks like it can be used as a portable media player...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/18/2006
Major Nelson noticed a pretty glaring ommission from Sony's live service equiavalent: A closer look...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/15/2006
All the other bloggers caught light of this, and I thought it was pretty funny. This pic is from the...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/12/2006
Sony has made a few disappointing announcements (if you are a Sony fan). The biggest one is that...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/10/2006
No surprise here, from Kotaku: HD-DVD is indeed coming to the 360. It's cybernetic umbilical cord to...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/08/2006
So now we not only have a large lead ahead of Sony with the 360, we have a two month lead for the...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/05/2006
[update 1] I have been playing with this and it is AMAZING. I am totally blown away that they offer...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/03/2006
Joystiq and Kotaku mention a next gen interview with the From KotakuIn a Pre-E3 interview with IGN,...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/03/2006
The Xbox team will be trying their hardest to satisfy Xbox 360 gamers with tons of content scheduled...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/02/2006
Next generation interviewed some PS3 developers and they contended that Sony should license software...
Author: gclassy Date: 05/01/2006
eHomeupgrade writes about MyMovies, a popular add-on program for Windows Media Center Edition....
Author: gclassy Date: 04/28/2006
Major Nelson explains how users can change the background image on the 360 blade to a hi-def image...
Author: gclassy Date: 04/27/2006
I just read this short bit on Gizmodo about HD DVD / DVD hybrid media. This is really interesting to...
Author: gclassy Date: 04/26/2006
I had no idea that this had happened, figured I'd relay it from Microsoft Watch: From Microsoft...
Author: gclassy Date: 04/25/2006
Now if only apple would do this.
Author: gclassy Date: 04/21/2006