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Links zum Thema IT-Sicherheit (12.09.2008)

Anbei ein paar aktuelle Links, für alle, die sich mit dem Thema IT-Sicherheit beschäftigen:


  • Datenschutz, und seine Bedeutung:
    Security agencies rally against Google Chrome

    Government computer security agencies in Germany and The Netherlands are warning consumers against using Google's Chrome browser. The warnings were prompted by the large number of bugs and security failures that have surfaced after Google launched the beta of its browser last week. Security experts have demonstrated ways that could allow criminals to take over control of a user's computer by exploiting known vulnerabilities in open source components that come bundled with the browser. Google also has been [forced] to change the license under which the software is distributed, following a public outrage from privacy watchdogs and end users.


  • Wie man Aktienmärkte manipuliert:
    Google bots blamed for rehashing breaking news

    Google's web crawlers have been blamed for reclassifying a six-year-old news story as breaking news and sending the shares of United Airlines (UAL) into a tailspin.
    The Tribune Co. said in a press release it had identified problems with Google's "Googlebot" technology months ago and asked the company to stop using it to "crawl" for stories on its website.


  • Wie man Kriminalität im Internet legalisiert:
    Fake Antispyware Purveyor Doubles as Domain Registrar

    A cyber gang known for aggressively spreading fake anti-spyware programs through hijacked and malicious Web sites has become an authorized reseller of domain names. Security Fix has learned that this gang is using its access as a registrar to ease the process of creating new Web sites used to push their invasive software.


  • Und dann noch etwas zum lachen:
    Bangladeshi's dumbest criminal hacker?

    I'm indebted to Web User magazine for reporting on the case of a Bangladeshi hacker - apparently unhappy about new legislation designed to crack down on cybercrime - defaced the Web site of the Rapid Action Battalion, Bangladesh's elite security force. Unfortunately, for some bizarre reason, the 21-year-old hacker left his name and email address on the site.