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Survey: Microsoft IIS 6 Ahead of Apache

Das typische Vorurteil: Ein Großteil aller Webserver würde auf Apache laufen.

Aber schaut man auf die Fakten, sieht man, dass im professionellen Umfeld, bei den Fortune 1000 Webseiten der IIS bei weitem die Nase vorne hat.
Laut Port80 Software hat der IIS in der Version 6 seinen Marktanteil im letzten Jahr auf 27% verdoppelt. Der IIS 6 führt damit vor Apache, der bei einem Marktanteil von 23% hält.

Zählt man alle IIS Varianten zusammen kommt der IIS bei den Fortune 1000 Webseiten in Summe sogar auf knapp 55%

Survey: Microsoft IIS 6 Ahead of Apache
By Darryl K. Taft

Port80 Software, a Microsoft partner, has released a new survey showing that the Microsoft Internet Information Services 6 Web server has overtaken the Apache open-source Web server among Fortune 1000 Web sites.
In the survey released on Oct. 11, Port80 Software said IIS 6 more than doubled its market share over the last year, to 27 percent. However, IIS 5 remains the most popular Web server among Fortune 1000 users, according to the survey.
Meanwhile, Port80 Software said IIS 4, 5, and 6 deployments combine for a 54.9 percent share of all Fortune 1000 corporate sites versus Apache's 23.3 percent share.
"The rapid adoption of IIS 6 among Fortune 1000 companies underscores Microsoft's leadership in the corporate market," Joseph Lima, director of product development at San Diego-based Port80 Software, said in a statement.
Lima said Port80, which develops tools and extensions for Microsoft's IIS Web servers, will offer compatible versions of its products in 2007 to take advantage of the new extensibility model in IIS 7 on Windows Server "Longhorn," the successor to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2.
Brian Goldfarb, group product manager of the Microsoft Web Platform and Tools Marketing Group, said in a statement, "As part of the upcoming Windows Server 'Longhorn' launch, Microsoft will deliver even more value with the release of IIS 7. This new Web server is designed for industry partners such as Port80 Software to develop more powerful modules, extending IIS functionality for our shared customers."

Link to Survey: Microsoft IIS 6 Ahead of Apache


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