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Upcoming TechNet Events in West Region


I don’t have the registration links just yet, but I do have word that we will have a series of TechNet Events in the West Region during the months of April and May (working on June).

The month of April will be delivered by Chris Avis and will center around System Center Essentials 2010 and Windows Intune.  The April dates and cities are as follows:

April 11 – Denver, CO
April 12 – San Francisco, CA
April 15 – Tempe, AZ
April 18 – Bellevue, WA
April 19 – Portland, OR
April 20 – Irvine, CA
April 21 – Los Angeles, CA

The month of May, we have Don Jones (PowerShell MVP and Noted Author) stepping in to deliver a series on PowerShell for us.  This will be a great session for beginners and seasoned PowerShell users to get some great knowledge on a tool that will not be going away.  The May dates and cities are as follows:

May 4 – Tempe, AZ
May 10 – Los Angeles, CA
May 11 – San Francisco, CA
May 24 – Denver, CO
May 25 – Bellevue, WA

The month of June, Chris Henley and I are working out a plan to deliver a series of events on All Things Cloud which includes Public and Private Cloud offerings from Microsoft.  Hopefully, we can get these details ironed out soon so we can have a full calendar for the rest of this fiscal year (ends at the end of June).

We are also working on the next set of series that will kick off towards the end of July and into August.  We will continue to get better and planning well in advance so that we can notify everyone well in advance of the events that are forthcoming.

As soon as I have the full details with registration links, I will create a new post for each series.  I just wanted to get the dates and cities out to everyone now so that you are aware of the upcoming plans.

Harold Wong