West Region May / June IT Camp Follow Up from Denver, Los Angeles, Irvine and Phoenix Part 2

I just realized that I never posted my Part 2 for the May / June IT Camps in West Region. I am very sorry for that so I want to get the information out right now.

First, I do have the PPT Presentation that Vision Solution delivered as I have been asked to provide that. I am embedding right here and you can also find it at www.slideshare.net/harold.wong. To download the PowerPoint Deck, you will want to view the slide from Slideshare directly so you can click the Download link.

IT Camp - Vision Solutions Presentation

View more presentations from Harold Wong

I also had some questions that were asked during the different presentations that I did not have an immediate answer for and had to do some research. I am also posting those answers below.

Q1. Does Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V expose USB devices to the Virtual Machines?
A1. No, it does not.

Q2. If I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Cluster, how do I “upgrade” the existing cluster to Windows Server 2012?
A2. You will need to migrate the existing WS08R2 Hyper-V cluster to a new Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cluster using the Migrate Role functionality in Failover Cluster.

I still have a few more questions that I have not found the answer for and will continue to research those. 

Also, with the release of Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate, we have updated a few of our scale numbers and I am listing the new numbers below. Please use these in place of the original numbers listed in the PowerPoint Deck I posted in my earlier follow up.

Resource Windows Server 2012 Beta Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate
Logical Processors on Hardware (Host)


Physical Memory (Host) 2 TB 4 TB
Virtual Processors per Host 1024 2048
Virtual Processors per Virtual Machine 32 64

This is a HUGE improvement and shows that we are taking this SERIOUSLY!

Please let me know if there is anything else I’m missing. Thank you.

Harold Wong