TechEd 2010 Twitter Hashtags
For those of you attending TechEd 2010 this year you may want to take note of the Twitter Hashtags you can start using with your tweets. The main TechEd Hashtag is #auteched
Below you will find the track specific Hashtags in addition to the Track owner Twitter aliases.
Track | Owner | Twitter alias | Track Twitter Hashtag |
Architecture | Nigel Watson | @nigelwatson | #ARC |
Cloud | Andrew Coates | @coatsy | #COS |
Data Platform and BI | Marcy Larson | @cellalars | #DAT |
Developer Tools | Dave Glover | @dglover | #DEV |
Dynamics | Catherine Eibner | @ceibner | #DYN |
Management | Andrew McMurray | #MGT | |
Office and Sharepoint | Alistair Speirs | @alspeirs | #OFS |
Security, Identity and Access | Rocky Heckman | @rockyh | #SEC |
Unified Communications | Johann Kruse | @whassaname | #UNC |
Virtualisation | Philip Duff | @philipdduff | #VIR |
Web Platform | Michael Kordahi | @delic8genius | #WEB |
Windows Client | John Pritchard | #CLI | |
Windows Phone | Dave Glover | @dglover | #WPH |
Windows Server | Jeff Alexander | @jeffa36 | #SVR |
You can use the the Hashtag on its own like “I want learn about Windows Phone 7 Development in #WPH #auteched” or you can use it with the actual session code “I’m in #SEC308 learning about Cloud Security #auteched”
I’m pretty sure many of you will create your own Hashtags for things in and around TechEd, so make sure you share it with the community!
UPDATE - Got any TechEd hashtags you want to share? let us know
Sharepint (Sharepoint by day, Sharepoint by night) Evening #sharepint
AuTechHeads (We're the free online and offline group for all Australasian geeks!) #AuTechHeads
Afterdark activites via @thehuxman #afterdark
Women in Technology award ceremony via @ceibner #WIT
TechEd EyeForce via @deepfresh #deepssquad #EyeForce
TopTips - Add your recommendations, survival tips, and general tippyness via @themolk #TopTip
Microsoft Student Ambassadors via @karo_is_here #AuMSP
Keynote #keynote
Tech Showcase #showcase
August 09, 2010
You forgot to include #SharePint... ;-)
August 09, 2010
Ditto with #AuTechHeads... - Party, party, party!Anonymous
August 22, 2010
With all of the #WPH going on remember there is also going to be a lot of talk around #XNA on the phone.