XAML guidelines part 3
There were 3 goals to the XAML guidelines series:
- Show that there is not a single right answer (that is why we interviewed multiple people, multiple projects)
- Document common practices and previous experiences that worked.
- Inspire others to share their own opinions and practices.
In order to accomplish parts 2 and 3, I have typed a few of my recommended best practices for any one starting new..
Since not every one will agree with my opinions so I am labeling this a draft, I would love for people to chime in with better suggestions and comments agreeing or disagreeing with the ones I listed. Feel free to leave comments, or write your own blog post and link to it from here. You can also drop me an email directly via contact page.
I am planning to leave this open for at least a week and then try to update the document to go beyond draft.
XAML Guidelines Draft HTML, PDF, XPS and DOCX.
For any one who finds this does not cover every thing they were wondering, please do let me know what I missed. I have at least two more topics that are related that I want to tackle next, but I figure partitioning them works best so we can build on a foundation.
Happy coding!
January 12, 2009
One of the most frequently asked questions from WPF practitioners is “What are the recommended practicesAnonymous
January 13, 2009
Very useful. I've posted a recently-formed guideline of my own at http://blog.markrendle.net/post/XAML-guidelines.aspx if you're interested.Anonymous
January 13, 2009
Organising WPF projects is a black art, and when I’m coding some WPF (stop laughing) then I definitelyAnonymous
January 13, 2009
I am disappointed the "XAML Guidelines" would only take WPF into account. Any plans for a Rev that covers SL too?Anonymous
January 13, 2009
Shawn, It can't be the same document. Silverlight optimizes for size and the subset of features (in particular resources) is meaningful enough that SL should get their own document. I am most interested in the "sharing code" between SL and WPF. That is on my radar for right around or after MIX 09 time-frame.. to be candid I need more "hands-on" into that scenario before I can truly share advise that I know is proven. I do get your point with the name.. I will make sure to update it to some thing like "WPF XAML guidelines" Cheers,Anonymous
January 14, 2009
In this issue: Quadra Silverlight Outsourcing, Denis Dollfus, Karsten Januszewski, Tim Greenfield, AlexAnonymous
January 18, 2009
#.think.in infoDose #16 (12th Jan - 16th Jan)Anonymous
January 19, 2009
I'd like to see some best practices on databinding. For example, would it be better to bind directly to a method in a service reference, or to create some sort of data manager and bind to that?Anonymous
February 01, 2009
WPF, e più in generale la realizzazione di interfacce utente, sono tematiche che esulano un pò dallaAnonymous
February 03, 2009
There have been quite a few developer and technology releases in the past couple of weeks, so in caseAnonymous
February 11, 2009
If you are looking for best practices for running XAML WPF projects, this is a must read. Jaime RodriguezAnonymous
February 11, 2009
Thank you for generating an XPS version. One grows tired of seeing documents exclusively generated for Adobe's crapware.