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XAML guidelines part 3

There were 3 goals to the XAML guidelines series:

  1. Show that there is not a single right answer (that is why we interviewed multiple people, multiple projects)
  2. Document common practices and previous experiences that worked.
  3. Inspire others to share their own opinions and practices.

In order to accomplish parts 2 and 3, I have typed a few of my recommended best practices for any one starting new..    

Since not every one will agree with my opinions so I am labeling this a draft, I would love for people to chime in with better suggestions and comments agreeing or disagreeing with the ones I listed.  Feel free to leave comments, or write your own blog post and link to it from here.  You can also drop me an email directly via contact page.  

I am planning to leave this open for at least a week and then try to update the document to go beyond draft.

XAML Guidelines Draft  HTML, PDF, XPS and DOCX.

For any one who finds this does not cover every thing they were wondering, please do let me know what I missed. I have at least two more topics that are related that I want to tackle next, but I figure partitioning them works best so we can build on a foundation.

Happy coding!