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Outlook Reminder for Leadership Practices

I created a recurring appointment in Outlook for Fridays.  It's a checklist of key leadership practices from The Leadership Challenge.  Each Friday, I scan this checklist and reflect on how well I've demonstrated the practices and where I need to tune for the upcoming week. 

Leadership Checklist 


  • Sets a personal example of what to expect?
  • Makes certain that people adhere to agreed-on standards?
  • Follows through on promises and commitments?
  • Asks for feedback on how actions affect people's performance?
  • Builds consensus around organization's values?
  • Is clear about philosophy of leadership?


  • Talks about future trends influencing work?
  • Describes a compelling image of the future?
  • Appeals to others to share a dream of the future?
  • Shows others how their interests can be realized?
  • Paints "big picture" of group aspirations?
  • Shows conviction about meaning of work?


  • Seeks challenging opportunities to test skills?
  • Challenges people to try new approaches?
  • Searches outside organization for innovative ways to improve?
  • Asks "What can we learn?"
  • Makes certain that goals, plans, and milestones are set?
  • Experiments and takes risks?


  • Develops cooperative relationships?
  • Actively listens to diverse points of view?
  • Treats people with dignity and respect?
  • Supports decisions other people make?
  • Gives people choice about how to do their work?
  • Ensures that people grow in their jobs?


  • Praises people for a job well done?
  • Expresses confidence in people's abilities?.
  • Creatively rewards people for their contributions?
  • Recognizes people for commitment to shared values?
  • Finds ways to celebrate accomplishments?
  •  Gives team members appreciation and support?


