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Some V1.0 Breaking Changes

We’re making a few breaking changes between our Mix release and our RTM release due in Summer. You can author content today that works on both Mix and RTM release if you do the following:


· Remove “javascript:” in your event handlers. This is generally not needed and won’t be supported in our V1.0 final release. Note that this is used in the Mix version of the silverlight.js file. I’ve provided an updated version of silverlight.js that works correctly with both Mix and RTM bits here (you should replace your existing silverlight.js with this one).

· The plug-in has been renamed from “WPFe Plug-In” to “Silverlight Plug-In”. This is normally only used in silverlight.js to detect Silverlight on the system. The silverlight.js update I’ve provided above correctly checks for either name.

· We’ve tightened up our rules for animations and animations now require a TargetName and a TargetProperty. This means the timer trick I posted below must be updated to specify a hidden Rectangle (the post has been updated).


I’ve updated my Mix samples per the above changes. You can get the updated VideoSearch here and the CreateFromXAML sample here.