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DNS Namespace planning solution center

DNS Namespace Planning Solution Center Launched – July 1, 2010  

Based on customer feedback, we launched a new DNS Namespace Planning Solution Center yesterday for all customers using Microsoft products – primarily Microsoft server-based products – in an uncommon namespace topology.

This Solution Center outlines Microsoft’s support policy for customers with various namespace configurations and includes links to individual products and known technical issues, if any, related to Single Label Domains (SLDs), Disjoint Namespaces, and other uncommon naming configurations.  This will provide our customers with more transparency about documented bugs and the engineering teams’ hotfix decisions.  In addition, the Solution Center provides support information and will continue to be enhanced with suggested best practices regarding migration to a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

The Solution Center is currently only available in English but is planned to be localized into additional languages.  Additional enhancements for the Solution Center are planned which will be incorporated in a v2 release.

