Revamp your new Facebook Profile look using, a Silverlight Based Facebook application
ave you got the new Facebook layout yet, if you did? Don’t settle for an ordinary profile look. Revamp your new profile’s look using is a Silverlight Based Facebook application developed by Monir Abu Hilal, inspired by the new profile look and the way ‘tagged’ pictures appear in it. What Picturize Me does is basically take one (or more) picture and split them between the profile picture and the pictures bar on the right so the overall look eventually is one big picture for the whole profile. is very easy to use
As shown the home page describes the 3 easy steps that Picturize Me consists of in a very clear and simple way. Once the user clicks on ‘Click here to start!’ Button it takes you to the App which definitely requires connecting into Facebook
After logging into Facebook, a duplicate of a Facebook profile appears yet with no posts nor pictures. With a side box of options where user can choose the basic options such as how many ‘lines’ of the users ‘bio’ he wants to appear in the space between his name and the pictures bar. User can choose from a drop down list among 4 choices: No lines, 1, 2, or 3 lines of bio.
The main target for the app is to have a remarkable profile look through manipulating profile pic. Users can add images in two ways:
- By Drag & Drop Images from their Desktop Directly to the Website.
- By clicking the “Insert Image” Button In the options box
When the user chooses to “Insert an Image”, a browsing window will pop up, so the user would choose the picture from his folders.
After the picture is chosen, This is where the fun starts. As the app allows users to resize (Scale / Zoom) the photo by Mouse wheel, to choose the best size of the pic to suit the photo spaces in the profile. And user can drag and drop the picture into the photo spaces as what he sees fit. Another option is Rotation the photo can be rotated by the center Rotate Handle so it’ll make most of the images fit the trick.
One of other features in this app that is so useful is it gives its users the ability to control their own profile picture size. As they can make it bigger or smaller depending on the pic they choose
Then when the user finalizes the shape and position of the desired image the user clicks done button and directly the uploading into Facebook starts.
Once it’s done it notifies the user that it’s on his Facebook and can redirect him there.
The app will redirect you on click, into the main picture you choose to be your profile pic and unfortunately users shall do that manually as Facebook policy bans apps from making any changes into the profile. So once User makes it profile pic. Voila!
About Monir Abu Hilal
Monir Abu Hilal is a 3rd year computer science student at PSUT (Princess Sumaya University for Technology), Amman-Jordan. Monir has started a new IT company which called ArabDynamics, He is specialized in User Experience Design and application Development with Microsoft technologies including Silverlight, WPF, SharePoint, C#, .Net and WP7.
He also works at Devosis as UI Applications Engineer where he is responsible for SharePoint Applications Development and Branding. Monir won the Imagine Cup local finals Jordan 2010 and participated in the international finals Imagine Cup Warsaw. He has also won many other Local, Regional and World Wide Awards in Web Design and Development.
He uses Social media to share his stories and experiences with others. You can find him on Twitter and Facebook, you can also contact him through his website
July 21, 2011
i want me picture 2 be picturize pleaseAnonymous
July 21, 2011
i want me picture 2 be picturize pleaseAnonymous
November 21, 2011
I tried many time but not loading why?Anonymous
December 01, 2011
My pic is not getting uploaded why??? Is it fake...Anonymous
January 14, 2012
it says SIGN IN WITH FACEBOOK, but when i click it, nothing can still see the SIGN IN WITH FACEBOOK..