Web Design Continued . . .
A couple weeks ago I posted a short and sweet post about not copying the poor web design that other people do really well. (See Web Design: The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly.) I wanted to continue that discussion today with a link to an article that went out in the FrontPage Insider Newsletter today called, 9 things not to have on your Web site. (If you want a subscription to the newsletter, register at Office Newsletters.
I've seen many questions in newsgroups and other customer posts about how to design Web pages. As the author of this article, Jeff Wuorio, points out, you can find a lot of people telling you what you should do (and sometimes that advise may be conflicting), but rarely do you find articles that tell you what NOT to do. This article lists nine things that you should NOT do with your Web site.
Wuorio talks about Flash animations, sound, and posting your photo on your home page, among other things. My post about adding sound to your web pages told you what I think of pages that have sound. Wuorio mentions Flash animations, but I want to include any animation, including GIF animations, that have a large file size, take a long time to load, and fight for attention with other images and animations that exist on the same page. Not cool.
Personally, I rarely like animations, Flash or otherwise, and I've rarely seen them done really well. Animations usually tell me one of two things: (1) someone is trying to sell me something, or (2) the person who designed the page is an amateur. (Or it may tell me that the person is really smart and bored to death: for example, the animation of the clock that follows the mouse cursor.) I've seen, as I'm sure you have, pages that use animated bullets in a bulleted list. Ugh! Okay, for a beginner, this may seem really cool, but if you are trying to sell something or have something important to say, don't do it. And if you are ever inclinded to using the animated bullets that come with Office on your Web site, just say NO. Please!
I think part of the problem is that some people design a Web site, with it's accompanying animations, like they would design a PowerPoint presentation. These are two different things. In front of an audience (the right audience), animated presentations can provide a humorous context for what the speaker is saying. On a Web site, if the audience doesn't understand the humorous context, the joke just falls flat. There's no fun in watching a comic die on stage, and there's no fun looking through a Web site that closely follows every rule of what NOT to do.
- Anonymous
September 23, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 23, 2004
This guy, Jeff Wuorio, warns about not including a picture on your homepage, not having unmoderated message boards, and not having menus with too many options.
Then you click on the link to his website and see: his picture on the homepage, a pulldown menu with about 20 options, and a guestbook that doesn't appear to be moderated.
Lisa, while I agree with your thoughts, I'm pretty sure now that this Wuorio guy's not entirely trustworthy on the topic he covers... - Anonymous
September 23, 2004
LOL. Yes, Ilya, I noticed this, too. However, he does have some points that are good to consider.
When it comes to photos, I'm not fond of photos of people on the main home page, but I love it when small businesses include bio sections for their employees with photos of the employees so you can see what they look like and learn a little about them.
That said, I hate having my picture taken and you will never see a picture of me on anything I write. <G> - Anonymous
September 23, 2004
No question about it, Lisa Wollin has some strong opinions about Web design and the methods used to get it done right. More importantly though, she explains the specifics of what to watch out for when you are just starting... - Anonymous
September 24, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 25, 2004
Dave, Yes spelling is important! I'm certainly not a perfect speller, and no one ever said I could win a spelling bee. That's what spell checkers were invented for. As you can see I fixed it, but if you need to check the spelling in a blog, there's a more serious problem here (and it's not spelling). <g> - Anonymous
May 25, 2006
We are all looking fsorward to a great sseason in 2005. <a href= ></a> We hope you will be there for all the actison. [url=][/url] - Anonymous
June 07, 2006
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June 21, 2006
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June 24, 2006
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June 24, 2006
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June 24, 2006
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June 28, 2006
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July 01, 2006
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July 01, 2006
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July 05, 2006
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July 11, 2006
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July 17, 2006
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July 19, 2006
away and no new traffic should be forwarded <a href=http://oiqghhbtf0.blogspot.com/ >valium buy</a> hould generate a removal query. [url=http://oiqghhbtf0.blogspot.com/]valium buy[/url] - Anonymous
July 21, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
July 30, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 12, 2006
Hey ..love the new site!!! Keep up the good work. I'll send you text sometime. If you're home at any time we'll have to meet up for a pint in the Crown again. Have a good one - Anonymous
September 12, 2006
Hey ..love the new site!!! Keep up the good work. I'll send you text sometime. If you're home at any time we'll have to meet up for a pint in the Crown again. Have a good one - Anonymous
September 14, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 15, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 16, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Hi...Nice site....
<a href="http://adipex-online.tw2ed.info">adipex online</a> - Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Best site, good job! This i found in internet <a href="http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a>">http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a> [url=http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/]Hydrocodone[/url] goodbye! - Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Best site, good job! This i found in internet <a href="http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a>">http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a> [url=http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/]Hydrocodone[/url] goodbye! - Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Best site, good job! This i found in internet <a href="http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a>">http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a> [url=http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/]Hydrocodone[/url] goodbye! - Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Hey ..love the new site!!! Keep up the good work. I'll send you text sometime. If you're home at any time we'll have to meet up for a pint in the Crown again. Have a good one - Anonymous
September 19, 2006
Best site, good job! This i found in internet <a href="http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a>">http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/">Hydrocodone</a> [url=http://hydrocodone-l.blogspot.com/]Hydrocodone[/url] goodbye! - Anonymous
September 19, 2006
Nice site <a href="http://debt-consolidation-loan-c.blogspot.com/">Debt">http://debt-consolidation-loan-c.blogspot.com/">Debt Consolidation</a> [url=http://debt-consolidation-loan-c.blogspot.com/]Debt Consolidation[/url] bye! - Anonymous
September 22, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 23, 2006
Hello, you have nice site <a href="http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/cellular-phone.html">Cellular">http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/cellular-phone.html">Cellular Phone</a> [url=http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/cellular-phone.html]Cellular Phone[/url] goodbye. - Anonymous
September 23, 2006
Hello, you have nice site <a href="http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/cellular-phone.html">Cellular">http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/cellular-phone.html">Cellular Phone</a> [url=http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/cellular-phone.html]Cellular Phone[/url] goodbye. - Anonymous
September 23, 2006
<a href="http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/home_for_sale.html">Home">http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/home_for_sale.html">Home for Sale</a> [url=http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/home_for_sale.html]Home for Sale[/url] - Anonymous
September 23, 2006
<a href="http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/home_for_sale.html">Home">http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/home_for_sale.html">Home for Sale</a> [url=http://hometown.aol.com/shlyapa2/home_for_sale.html]Home for Sale[/url] - Anonymous
September 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Great site <a href="http://car-insurance-p4zw.blogspot.com">Car">http://car-insurance-p4zw.blogspot.com">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-p4zw.blogspot.com]Car Insurance[/url] best regards Paul. - Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Great site <a href="http://car-insurance-p4zw.blogspot.com">Car">http://car-insurance-p4zw.blogspot.com">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-p4zw.blogspot.com]Car Insurance[/url] best regards Paul. - Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Good site <a href="http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car">http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/]Car Insurance[/url] bye. - Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Good site <a href="http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car">http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/]Car Insurance[/url] bye. - Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Good site <a href="http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car">http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/]Car Insurance[/url] bye. - Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Good site <a href="http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car">http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/]Car Insurance[/url] bye. - Anonymous
September 26, 2006
Good site <a href="http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car">http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/]Car Insurance[/url] bye. - Anonymous
September 26, 2006
Good site <a href="http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car">http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/">Car Insurance</a> [url=http://car-insurance-0.blogspot.com/]Car Insurance[/url] bye. - Anonymous
September 29, 2006
Amazing site, useful <a href="http://parishilton-paris.blogspot.com/ ">Paris Hilton</a> [url=http://parishilton-paris.blogspot.com/]Paris Hilton[/ur] bye! - Anonymous
September 29, 2006
Amazing site, useful <a href="http://parishilton-paris.blogspot.com/ ">Paris Hilton</a> [url=http://parishilton-paris.blogspot.com/]Paris Hilton[/ur] bye!