CRM 2013: New Licensing and Pricing guides

For our Microsoft Dynamics partners we have just released the guides and training presentations for CRM 2013 Pricing and Licensing. If you are a partner I encourage you to download and get familiar with the guides - and if you are a customer I encourage you to setup a meeting with your partner to learn more about the great new flexiblity and simplicity we've introduced in our licensing.


Licensing and Pricing guides

  • CRM 2013 On-premises Licensing and Pricing guide - provides a comprehensive overview of key licensing features, licensing for on-premises deployments, licensing programs, and pricing information.
  • CRM 2013 SPLA Licensing and Pricing guide - provides a comprehensive overview of key licensing features, licensing for partner-hosted deployments, licensing programs, and pricing information.
  • CRM Online Licensing and Pricing guide - provides a comprehensive overview of licensing features, programs, and pricing information.


  • CRM 2013 On-Premises Licensing Brief - High level overview of licensing for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 On-premises deployments.
  • CRM Online Licensing Brief - High level overview of licensing for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.


  • CRM 2013 Licensing Level 100 Presentation - Partner ready level 100 presentation for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 provides an overview of key licensing features, licensing for cloud deployments, licensing for on-premise deployments, key competitive advantages, and partner calls to action.
  • CRM 2013 Licensing Level 200 Presentation - Partner ready Level 200 presentation for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 provides complete overview of licensing features, licensing for cloud deployments, licensing for on-premise deployments, license upgrade paths, key competitive advantages, Pricing summary, and partner calls to action.
  • CRM Online Licensing Level 300 Presentation - Field ready Level 300 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online presentation provides complete overview of licensing features, licensing for cloud deployments, license upgrade paths, key competitive advantages, pricing details, licensing scenarios, and field calls to action.
  • CRM 2013 On-premises Licensing Level 300 Presentation - Field ready Level 300 Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-premises presentation provides complete overview of licensing features, licensing for on-premises deployments, license upgrade paths, key competitive advantages, pricing details, licensing scenarios, and field calls to action


  • CRM Online MOSP pricing - Microsoft Online Services Program pricing for licenses available with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Fall 2013 service update. Information includes pricing for user subscription licenses, subscription add-on licenses, and premium support offerings.

To download the guides and presentations you need access to Partner Source. Click here to access the collateral on Partner Source (URL:

Update April 2014:


See also

  • Comparison of the new CRM Online 2013 subscriptions - link