Marcelo's WebLog
Improving the world one entity at a time (now tweeting on @mlrdev)
There is a nifty page on MSDN that compares LINQ to XML with other technologies like XmlReader at...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 09/04/2008
Get the full details over at the Project Astoria Team Blog. The short version: an interim release is...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 09/03/2008
So, my old home laptop died a while ago, and my beloved wife surprised me with a new one. The new...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 09/02/2008
In the near future, I'll be spending less time on ADO.NET Data Services, and more time on some...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 09/01/2008
Yes, it seems like short instructional videos are all the rage, everywhere. It's been growing for a...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/29/2008
I've been going on and on about ADO.NET technologies for the last few days, so now it's time for...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/27/2008
Astute developers might have noticed that there are a couple of differences in the Simple EDM types...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/26/2008
Today's tip is a pretty short one. If you see a 'ReflectionServiceProvider' type on an error call...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/25/2008
... and it's unlikely I'll be able to follow up on comments for a while, so please excuse the...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/22/2008
If you're getting an error in your ADO.NET Data Service about 'EntityState' not being a valid...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/22/2008
ADO.NET Data Services have a "magic" resource, called $metadata. This entry point returns a CSDL...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/21/2008
Today's topic is about the UsePostTunneling property on the DataServiceContext type. The ADO.NET...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/20/2008
So, if you've been going through the System.Data.Services.Internal namespace, you might have noticed...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/19/2008
There are three methods on the DataService<T> class that you might want to override. The first...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/18/2008
Here is the summary blurb: Misys Healthcare Systems Team Uses Powerful Tools to Build Innovative...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/15/2008
There is a recently published note on compatibility for the .NET Framework SP1 and Silverlight...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/14/2008
It's always been interesting to me to see how different people will approach learning a new API....
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/13/2008
So, let's say that you have an ADO.NET Data Service, and you're creating a client application that...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/11/2008
The documentation is online... isn't this URI so very clean?...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/11/2008
The team blog has the announcement over at...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/11/2008
Yes, it's available now, in all its yummy-licious editions. If you can't wait for your IT department...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 08/07/2008
In case you've missed these, we already have some 'How Do I?' videos up on MSDN that cover ADO.NET...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/31/2008
Yay for interoperability! If you've got systems running PHP, you can now connect them to SQL Server...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/28/2008
This one bit me not too long ago, and I thought I'd share it to help ease other's pain if the run...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/23/2008
While the 'LINQ Ninja' moniker is something that Phani completely made up on the spot and I actively...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/17/2008
Today's entry is about a feature that allows ADO.NET Data Services to play very nicely with other...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/14/2008
MSDN Magazine has published Achieve Flexible Data Modeling With The Entity Framework, which talks...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/08/2008
In case you haven't run into it yet, Phani is an ADO.NET Data Services team member who regularly...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 07/07/2008
Mike Taulty has a very nice post on timestamps and concurrency in the Entity Framework. Something...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 06/26/2008
Long on prose and short on code, this post just explores some patterns involving mutable/immutable...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 06/18/2008
Very commonly, this has to do with how the service was initialized. The service configuration allows...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 06/17/2008
In this post I'd like to talk a bit about the InitializeService method that ADO.NET Data Service...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 06/16/2008
In my last post, we established that JavaScript Date objects are 'local time-zone aware', and care...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 06/05/2008
I've talked about the Date type in the past, and since then I've come across a couple of gotchas...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 06/04/2008
The Sysinternals tools have been popular for years and years - they do what they do exceedingly...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 05/29/2008
In the most recent release of ADO.NET Data Services, we changed the syntax of query interceptors to...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 05/27/2008
The release of Microsoft Source Analysis for C# has just been announced - read more at...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 05/23/2008
When troubleshooting ADO.NET Data Services, it's often handy to look at what content is actually...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 05/15/2008
Ahh... Don't you love the smell of fresh software in the morning? Yes, this is why I've gone silent...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 05/12/2008
One somewhat obscure feature of XamlPad is the ability to insert snippets in the text editor area....
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/17/2008
I was just reading How to speed up Windows Vista on, written by Scott Dunn of PC World,...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/16/2008
The post on updating resources in ADO.NET Data Services has gone up on the Project Astoria blog. One...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/11/2008
Sometimes you might find yourself debugging when you don't have symbols for a managed library - that...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/08/2008
If you haven't looked at what's new for 2008 for the performance tools. There are some nice things...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/07/2008
Mark Russinovich has a new post about diagnosing CPU spikes with Process Explorer and KernRate,...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/07/2008
ADO.NET Data Services contain information in the URI that are used to identify which resource is...
Author: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz - MSFT Date: 04/01/2008