SmrtRocks DevOps Journey
DevOps living life as a constant learning opportunity
EF Core 2.0 I am a believer I am not much of a database guy, I enjoy code and am not a big fan of...
Date: 10/20/2017
Overview Some great resources have been developed by the ALM Rangers, MVPs, and Microsoft Product...
Date: 05/22/2017
Gotcha The thing that occurred to me as I was connecting to each environment was the nuances, slight...
Date: 08/14/2014
Why PowerShell I Already Have an Admin Console? As I was going through all the trouble to setup my...
Date: 08/14/2014
Friend of mine asked me if I could present at a local users group he is trying to get off the ground...
Date: 08/14/2014
I got a new laptop from MS, a thin and light model, great machine my thinking was can I function as...
Date: 05/27/2014