The "Broadcast flag"
Here's an interesting article on the the MPAA's "Broadcast flag" and what it could mean for the future of digital recording broadcast TV. I'm in favour of preventing wide distribution of copyrighted works, but I'm really not in favour of not being able to make a perfect digital copy for my own use. I should be able to make a digital copy of a TV show and watch it on any device I own, possibly I should be able to share it once, but that shared copy couldn't be further distributed. I'd accept that level of restriction, but it doesn't look like Hollywood wants that happen. If it comes to the stage as the article suggests of not being able to fast-forward (or even more extreme not being able to change channels) I'll just stop watching television.
March 04, 2004
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 04, 2004
Another good reason to boycott DRM and TCPA on future hardware.Anonymous
March 04, 2004
Another good reason not to migrate to Longhorn.Anonymous
March 04, 2004
Another good reason to never support WMP with WMA and WMV.Anonymous
March 04, 2004
They are preventing you actually using the law that gives you that right to copy broadcasts.
I guess we dont need lawyers anymore, cut out those middlemen.Anonymous
March 04, 2004
Another good reason to support Communism and China. I awaid theyre Dragon CPU eagerly and future platforms, including the new DVD formats, I for one will buy them.Anonymous
March 04, 2004
And remember kids, supporting the USA in any form is bad for freedom.Anonymous
March 04, 2004
Downloading is good, buying is bad. Now repeat after me.Anonymous
January 04, 2008
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March 19, 2008
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