Hidden Schedule tasks in Windows 8
Hello again :)
I was looking for those hidden group policy schedule tasks that are created in Windows 8/2012 recently. These tasks are the ones created to perform the routine Group Policy refresh updates and the administrator driven updates too (such as invoke-GPUpdate in powershell).
So just so as I can remember (plus you may find them useful too)
They are located here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\GroupPolicy\
The default tasks are sub keys called:
These are for the user and computer default refresh.
Any manual updates will be stored in separate folders underneath called the GroupPolicy Key, these will be called:
GPUpdate (<user>@<domain>)
Of course, the GPUpdate key will have the computer refresh value and the GPUpdate (<user>@<domain>) will be the user refresh :)
- Anonymous
September 17, 2014
Because of this a Windows-Explorer window will close every 60 to 90 minutes, if you have a GPP to connect with a drive letter in mode "replace". If you put the GPP in mode "refresh", this will not happen.