[Unity] 開發 Windows Store App 相關資源整理
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- 若符合學生資格或成立五年以下新創公司,可分別透過 DreamSpark 或 BizSpark 取得免費高階版本
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- 開立 Windows 市集開發人員帳戶 (個人帳戶: US$19,公司帳戶: US$99), or
- 若符合學生資格或成立五年以下新創公司,可分別透過 DreamSpark 或 BizSpark 取得一年免費帳戶
- MSDN 訂戶亦有一年免費帳戶
- Unity3D/Microsoft 的官方文件請見 Porting tips for Windows Store (813 KB)
- 線上課程 (英文) Porting Unity games to Windows 8.1 & Windows Phone 中的 Module 2~3 特別討論到注意事項及 Duel Runtime environment ,建議一聽。
[我遇到 “error CS0103: The name ‘xxxx’ does not exist in the current context”]
其中的 ‘xxxx’ 可能是 File, FileStream, HashTable, Dictionary 等等。解法及原因說明請參考 [Unity Game to Windows Store] Compile error- missing namespaces/classes (中文)
Error: DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. Windows cannot install package “你的專案名” because the package requires architecture ARM, but this computer has architecture x64 (0x80073cf3).
其原因是 Unity 預設將它的 package 包成可在 ARM, x86 及 x64 不同平台執行的版本,而您的 Visual Studio 顯然並不是在 ARM 機器上跑的,所以會產生這個錯誤。
目前支援對 C# scripts 作偵錯。詳細步驟請見: https://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/windowsstore-debugging.html
這是許多既有 Unity 專案會遇到的問題,各位可參考這篇文章Creating a Unity Game for Windows 8中的留言,也就是可以善加使用 ILSpy (https://ilspy.net/) 這個工具。
“The major challenge for existing apps is porting the code from JavaScript to C#. Most of the examples and existing code base (plugin’s etc.) are JavaScript. However there is a very good and free tool called ILSpy that will examine the compiled assembly and decompile it into C#. Private variables will lose their names, some of the code will be hard to read, however it does work and in about 1-3 hours of work you should be able to port your existing Unity Android/iOS game to Windows Phone or Store. This is by far easier than writing a new game in Visual Studio.
Of course the reverse is also true, write your game in Unity for WP8 or W8 and easily (in minutes) port it over to Android iOS”
以很受歡迎的 Prime31 為例,目前已有 Windows 8 及 Windows Phone 8 的版本,可以持續使用。
Windows store app 註冊及上架 from Meng-Ru Tsai