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Microsoft Premier Workshop: System Center 2012 – Orchestrator: Automating Your Datacenter


Der Workshop “Automatisierung im Rechenzentrum mit System Center 2012 – Orchestrator” vermittelt den Teilnehmern das Wissen zur Erstellung maßgeschneiderter Integrationslösungen in Ihrem Rechenzentrumsbetrieb mit System Center 2012 - Orchestrator. Der Workshop gibt Ihnen einen technischen Einblick in Orchestrator Komponenten und Konsolen und die Integration von System Center 2012 - Service Manager 2012 und System Center 2012 Operations Manager.


Module 1: Introduction to Orchestrator.
This module gives an overview of Orchestrator, the components and how the components work together

Module 2: Orchestrator Design, Architecture and Components.
This module describes the architectural options when deploying Orchestrator. It also describes design of an Orchestrator environment.

Module 3: Deploying Orchestrator.
This module describes how to plan your Orchestrator deployment and also how to deploy Orchestrator.

Module 4: Security.
This module describes accounts, firewall settings required by Orchestrator. The module also explains how Orchestrator works with encrypted information.

Module 5: Standard Activities.
This module describes all the standard activities that can be used in runbooks

Module 6: Runbook Design.
This module describes how to build both a basic runbook and an advanced multi-runbook solution

Module 7: Runbook Common Practices.
This module describes how runbooks should be built to fulfill common practices and to support fault tolerance.

Module 8: Orchestrator Integration Toolkit.
This module describes how Orchestrator Integration Toolkit can be used to author custom activities and integration packs.

Module 9: Operations Manager integration.
This module describes how Orchestrator can be used to build self-healing datacenter integrated with Operations Manager.

Module 10: Service Manager 2012 integration.
This module describes how Orchestrator is used to integrate with Service Manager and setup service request with the self-service portal in Service Manager 2012


Dieser Workshop richtet sich an System Engineers, System Administratoren. Folgende Voraussetzungen sollen Sie mitbringen:

  • Grundkenntnisse des Windows-Betriebssystems 

  • Grundkenntnisse im Scripting

  • Grundkenntnisse in den System Center Komponenten 

Level: 300

(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/ 400= technisches Expertenwissen)


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