Convergence 2007 Day Two
I have lots to post from Day Two. Was great meeting a bunch of partners and customers. Felt a bit surreal being on the main stage. Demo went pretty well, which shocked even me. :-) I will be posting more a little later. Gotta take a nap... Look for some recaps a little later today.
March 12, 2007
Where can I download CRM Information gadget for vista - I see it on last screenshot. I have searched through web but I could not find it.Anonymous
March 13, 2007
The one that is active is a CRM RSS feed. The one above it is one that has not been released... Sorry about that... :-) I would not be suprised if some Gadgets didn't hit the sandbox soon. :-)Anonymous
March 13, 2007
Ben, You have reached the big time, great presentation on the main stage.Anonymous
March 13, 2007
Here's a real, working CRM Gadget for Vista. If you want the code ping me and we'll see if we can work something out.