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T-18 Days - Countdown to the Marathon

The Achilles injury still hasn't completely cleared up but it is much better than it was. I managed to hobble around 16 miles of the Kingston Breakfast Run on Sunday (glorious day) and collect my commemorative mug. Did anyone else do it by any chance? You probably passed my if you did. We did pass one lady with "Slow Runner. Age 61+. Please Pass!" written on her back. Unfortunately it took us to about mile 12 to pass her. Ahem...

So it's looking promising for April 22nd. I have to say that after 16 miles on Sunday I was absolutely whacked so the thought of carrying on for another 10 (plus a bit more) fills me with dread. I missed a fair chunk of training due to my injury and I'm paying the price now.

We're now officially into the "taper" (ie reducing your training to build up the reserves of energy needed to optimise your marathon performance :-)). However I'm not sure I ever peaked enough to taper. Still, it does mean a more sensible training schedule for the next few weeks. The longest training run is in the past - it's easy street from here on in...

Many thanks to all who've sponsored me - I'm standing at around £1800 for Hearing Dogs (which will be matched by MS so make that £3600). Gemma is also running for Hearing Dogs so the £5000 target may well be achievable (her company also matches charitable donations). Fingers crossed that's another Hearing Dog for someone!

Technorati tags: marathon, hearing dogs, charity
