Matt Powell
Web Platform and Tools
Tim and Erv seemed to have taken this quote from my last post to task: if you don't understand all...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/22/2004
Tim Bray and others have questioned the plethora of WS-* specifications. Tim says: I still think the...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/21/2004
eWeek reports: Microsoft Wins developer tool competition. -Matt
Author: mattpo Date: 09/21/2004
I agree with Rory. It is so dehumanizing to be referred to as a "resource". Here at Microsoft we...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/17/2004
The Intro to WSA article that we published today is one of my favorite articles that we have...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/16/2004
WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration were published today by Microsoft and our partners. WS-Transfer...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/16/2004
Keith Ballinger talks to Ted Neward about WSE on TheServerSide.NET. -Matt
Author: mattpo Date: 09/14/2004
Simon noted that Mindreef released their next version of their SOAPScope tool for looking at SOAP...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/14/2004
Hervey posts another great entry in his blog that digs into the whole confusing issue about whether...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/10/2004
The initial SOAP spec was pretty tightly coupled with HTTP. Shortly thereafter folks realized that...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/08/2004
Did you see Don's earlier Channel 9 tour of the halls of Indigo? Did you get a feeling that there...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/07/2004
In case you didn't see it, Microsoft announced that Longhorn would ship in 2006 and that Indigo...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/07/2004
How big are Web services? Ask Steve Ballmer: Ballmer singled out XML and Web services as the "big...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/02/2004
Becky, a Product Manager here at Microsoft on advanced Web services, wants to know what you are...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/01/2004
We just posted the details on the next Web services protocol Workshop. This is an interop workshop...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/01/2004
My oldest daughter got her driver's permit yesterday...AAAHHH! Today is her first day of high...
Author: mattpo Date: 09/01/2004
Microsoft and others published an update to the WS-Eventing specification. The bigger news is that...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/31/2004
The pluralsight folks have put together what looks like an awesome week of training from some of the...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/27/2004
The XOP and MTOM specs are well on their way. These are the specs that fix the problem of SOAP with...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/26/2004
Richard Turner warns us about the danger of calling everything SOA. We ran into this same sort of...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/24/2004
Simon Guest, Mr. Web Service Interoperability, put together a tool to trace WSE messages using the...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/24/2004
What could be more interesting than a 36 minute walk through the halls of building 42 where Indigo...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/19/2004
Okay...I'm through most of my email from vacation...starting to catch up on blog posts. Mr. Interop,...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/13/2004
I'm back from vacation and a lot of things have happened during my absence, for instance, SP1 for...
Author: mattpo Date: 08/11/2004
Check out The Server Side .NET's Ted Neward interview Don Box and Doug Purdy on their roles on the...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/23/2004
Clemens Vasters from Newtelligence speaks on service-orientation on the latest .NET Rocks episode....
Author: mattpo Date: 07/21/2004
I'll be speaking at Win-Dev in Boston (Oct. 25 - 29th) on Reliability and Transactions with Web...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/19/2004
Hervey posts information on the changes in SP1 of WSE 2.0. WSE users will want to check it out....
Author: mattpo Date: 07/16/2004
As a technical writer, performance is always a scary thing to write about. You can do it, but you...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/15/2004
I suppose it was due to the fact that in the early drafts of WS-Security, we made you sign a license...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/14/2004
Jorgen has just published an article that lays out the approach we are taking toward getting Web...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/14/2004
There is a Microsoft Webcasts coming up on WSE 2.0 tomorrow that you might want to check out:...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/08/2004
Scott linked to this Wired article on the old chain email about Bill Gates sending money to anyone...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/07/2004
You might not have noticed but the recently announced Visual Studio 2005 Express Beta allows for...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/07/2004
I should have known that these things always come in threes. Adding to my previous post of Channel 9...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/06/2004
For your multimedia pleasure, on Channel 9, Dave Mendlen, Director of Web Service Marketing at...
Author: mattpo Date: 07/06/2004
I won't be there but there will be plenty of others who will have some great things to say about Web...
Author: mattpo Date: 06/28/2004
John Bristowe and Benjamin Mitchell, Microsoft Regional Directors from opposite sides of the British...
Author: mattpo Date: 06/23/2004
We finally got the WSE 2.0 documentation up in the online MSDN library. If you haven't noticed, this...
Author: mattpo Date: 06/21/2004
Instead of listening to the same ol' Microsoft heads talking about Web service technology, we...
Author: mattpo Date: 06/18/2004
I have a variety of links I wanted to point people at, so here they are: Updated the WSDC blogroll....
Author: mattpo Date: 06/15/2004
In case you missed the news, Microsoft SOAP Toolkit support has been extended past the originally...
Author: mattpo Date: 06/09/2004
Kent just posted a Visual Studio .NET simulator to walk viewers through three common tasks including...
Author: mattpo Date: 06/07/2004
You don't have to encrypt the entire body of a message with WSE. You can encrypt just certain...
Author: mattpo Date: 05/28/2004
One of the attendees here at TechEd asked me how to encrypt only one of the parameters on a...
Author: mattpo Date: 05/28/2004
I'm currently sitting in Doug Purdy's Web services versioning talk here at TechEd. The fact that we...
Author: mattpo Date: 05/27/2004
There's a lot of excitement here at TechEd about the WSE release. I got to watch Keith Ballinger's...
Author: mattpo Date: 05/27/2004
[Update: Adding the link - thanks Dumky] A great write-up of the WS-Federation Passive Requestor...
Author: mattpo Date: 05/25/2004