Give me ideas, feedback and more (part 2)
Ok I have seen some statistic info about my blog. It seems that I have managed to create a well viewed blog with items that a lot of people like. I want to be the best read Microsoft CRM 3.0 blog. I specifically want to beat 1 blog, he knows who i mean :)
As you might know I have asked for ideas, suggestions, topics etc. in a previous posting.
I haven't received a lot of emails to be honest, but I would like to receive more so I can improof my blog, learn and share the things with you guys outhere!.
So please send in feedback, ideas, topics... you name it
March 07, 2006
whats the deal with Hosted CRM 3.0? I've heard rumors that MS is going to offer a hosted version, then ive heard rumors of CRM Live, then MS releases Office Live - which is almost a CRM, but not totally.. Is Office Live=CRM Live? Will there ever be a MS equivelent of Comment on that please!!!!!Anonymous
March 07, 2006
btw, what's CRM?!
about ideas, i have a lot
but, how can i know you take respond on my ideas?!
March 13, 2006
Not sure why the formatting of my email templates are appearing to look different when it's actually sent out.
Email template looks like this:
Hello Joe,
How are you......
Email sent looks like this:
Hello Joe,
How are you......
The spacings are not considered...what's causing this?
Also, sometimes I can change the fonts, other times I can't.
Any insight on how to keep email templates consistent would be greatly appreciated.
March 17, 2006
I would love to know how to do silent install.Anonymous
May 15, 2007
Hiya, simple question really. Is it possible to visually personise CRM 3.0. To display company logo's and use company colours, and fonts. I can't seem to work out how... is this possible at all? Thanks LukeAnonymous
May 16, 2007
Luke, I am afraid not. Why would you want to ruin a great user interface?