【Build 2015】微軟宣布Visual Studio Code支援 Windows + Mac + Linux,全平台通通免費!
以下內文為 Gi 小編從 Build 現場微軟同事獲得的第二手報導
TechCrunch報導中寫到,微軟總部開發部門的副總S. “Soma” Somasegar,前陣子曾說: "有很多人使用Windows的開發環境,但同樣有許多人們是使用Linux及Mac。與其要他們過來使用Windows,我們希望直接去接觸這些在其他開發環境的開發人員。"
微軟宣布 Visual Studio Code 支援 Windows + Mac + Linux,全平台通通免費!
.NET Core supports Windows, OS X and Linux. You can write Universal apps on Windows 10 and ASP.NET 5 and Console apps on all of the three OSes. FreeBSD support is in progress, led by the .NET open source community. We expect that the community will create other OS ports. In fact, the OS X port has also been community led.
.NET Core supports x86, x64 and ARM CPUs in order to support device, cloud and console app scenarios. We expect that to see more chips come online, particularly given the LLILC LLVM integration project. LLILC will (in theory) make it possible to port .NET Core to all of the chips that LLVM supports.
原文請參考 .NET Announcements at Build 2015
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