The MossyBlog Times Archives 2007 - 2009
Rich Fertile ground of Interactive development & design
They say a picture speaks a thousands words. In this case, I find it tongue in cheek that Adobe's...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/22/2007
A while back I posted about how I used our AJAX Control Toolkit to animate with Silverlight. I...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/22/2007
One tag, yet so powerful in so many ways is the <A> tag found within the old skool language,...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/22/2007
Finally it's now online. The Silverlight folks have redesigned the showcase section of the site and...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/19/2007
I got an email the other day, by in which they announced a "Powerpoint Like...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/18/2007
I get this a lot, and most think I'm just annoying Adobe by using the word "Interactive" instead of...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/10/2007
In my Silverlight travels, I was thinking on how one is able to animate a "PullDown" menu,...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/03/2007
Michael S. Scherotter (Synergist) and resident Silverlight guru, has put his money where his mouth...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 10/01/2007
Last week I was at the Web Directions South 07 Conference. It was a blast and learnt a lot from our...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/30/2007
I stumbled upon AdvertBoy's blog tonight and I'm impressed with his approach in using Silverlight....
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/23/2007
I've been playing around with masking and trying to think up new ways to approach the axis in which...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/17/2007
Nectarine have put up Part #2 of the infamous RIA saga, "Barely Out of Beta". I think it's...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/14/2007
This just fascinates me and warrants a blog post. My son, Corey just turned 4 in July has been busy,...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/11/2007
Brian H. Madsen (Microsoft MVP Visual Developer ASP/ASP.Net) has put together a cool group called...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/11/2007
Minty (, makers of infamous funny Flash animated cartoons) just sent me an email...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/11/2007
Context is when you look at a situation from a perspective and generally fall into a predefined...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/08/2007
The Story (Context)I used to work for a Rail company, and outside my office was the main concourse...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/08/2007
I'm always amused online when I see the usual Adobe vs Microsoft rant, it always ends up in someone...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/05/2007
I could rant about why this is important and add my own commentary around why it's probably one of...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 09/05/2007
It's funny how you sometimes take something so simple for granted until you one day suddenly realise...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/31/2007
Sitting in a conference ( here in New Zealand, reflecting on my previous day where...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/31/2007
I'm such a geek, yet I found the experience of twittering my daughters birth to be actually quite...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/25/2007
Silverlight 1.0 is around the corner, and it won't have controls assigned to it upon official...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/13/2007
Arturo Toledo, Product Manager for UX Platform & Tools (Silverlight, WPF, Expression...) has...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/13/2007
I've watched Microsoft like most for many years. I first noticed a change in our behavior when folks...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/13/2007
I'll be attending and speaking at the first "Web On The Piste" in New Zealand next week. This is a...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/12/2007
At ReMIX I had the pleasure of interviewing Lucas Sherwood from Lightmaker (which reminds me, must...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/12/2007
I've been to a lot of conferences in the past, and I'd have to say that TechEd was a lot of fun for...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/12/2007
I've posted a bit on trust, around prescribing the rationale around why RIA (Rich Interactive...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/08/2007
In Microsoft we have a few bets on whom are the likely candidates who build RIA (Rich Interactive...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/06/2007
It's getting close kids, the Tech.Ed has finally arrived this week and and it's my first. Yes, hard...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/06/2007
I'm sitting here tonight watching the "Twitter Video" which is basically Robert Scoble interviewing...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/05/2007
RIA (Rich Interactive Applications) have this approach that's quite unique, in that they kind of...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/04/2007
Catching up on some of my RSS Feeds (3wks of unread, egads!) and I noticed this post titled "Is...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/04/2007
I happened to hit a Silverlight site tonight, playing about and such and noticed the AutoUpdate...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/04/2007
I interact a lot around discussions in the Rich Interactive/Internet Application (RIA) space. I read...
Author: Garry Trinder Date: 08/02/2007