Me encontré este excelente proyecto de Microsoft Research, ahora ya no hay pretextos para no desarrollar donde sea J, aquí el detalle:
Script your phone! Write code for your phone, on your phone! TouchStudio is a radically new software development environment on the Windows Phone, bringing the excitement of the first programmable personal computers to the phone. TouchStudio is a free app available on the Windows Phone Marketplace.
The idea behind TouchStudio
The way in which we interact with computing devices is changing: instead of keyboards, advanced touchscreens become more common; mobile devices are often equipped with more sensors, such as location information and acceleration, and are always connected to the cloud.
TouchStudio is a new programming environment and language built around this new reality. Its typed, structured programming language is built around the idea of only using a touchscreen as the input device to author code. It has built-in primitives which make it easy to access the rich sensor data available on a mobile device. In our vision, the state of the program is automatically distributed between mobile clients and the cloud, with automatic synchronization of data and execution between clients and cloud, liberating the programmer from worrying (or even having to know) about the details.
The first beta version of TouchStudio, now available on the Windows Phone 7 marketplace, already realizes a large portion of our vision.
More information
- MSR TechReport describing the TouchStudio vision, and the currently available version
Known bugs and workarounds for v1.0.0.0 beta #0
- In certain regions, fractional numbers are not parsed correctly. As a workaround, please write "1/100" instead of "0.01".
- When the phone is connected to a PC via USB cable, some media functions fail. Please only use TouchStudio when not connected to a PC.
Fernando García Loera (Community Program Manager – Latin America Region)