an iPhone observation
When you're in an organisation where at least half of the people around you have an iPhone, it's amusing to watch everyone start patting their pockets when an iPhone rings or sets off the reminder tone. By extension, that means that in any given meeting, you know when it's 15 minutes before the hour because everyone's iPhone is reminding them of their next meeting.
For all that it's sometimes amusing (and sometimes annoying) when this happens here in MacBU, I can't help but wonder what it's like at Apple.
September 23, 2008
My office mates phone is WM6 just like mine, and I had to change my sounds to be different because I kept checking my phone every time his reminder/email tone would go off.Anonymous
September 23, 2008
Y'know, it just doesn't happen much for us. I think most people either leave their phones on vibrate and ignore the vibrations or turn off calendar alerts. I don't even have my calendar synced to my phone, though I keep meaning to correct that. :)Anonymous
September 23, 2008
Yes - and I still cannot believe they don't allow you to set different tones for reminders and text messages!!! Phones have had that functionality for years - how hard can it be? Perhaps Apple want people in the Street to recognise other people that have iPhones with the distinct iPhone Ring and text alert - maybe that was the master plan!?Anonymous
September 24, 2008
@Eric - My phone is always on vibrate, too, but I still always check my phone when I hear that familiar chime just to make sure. :)