concurrency::array_view – discard_data
The previous posts in this series on C++ AMP array_view covered:
- Introduction to array_view and some of its key semantic aspects
- Implicit synchronization on destruction of array_views
This post will describe the discard_data function on array_views.
Often, your algorithm may need to use an array_view purely as an output, and the current contents of the array_view are inconsequential. When accessing such an output array_view on any accelerator_view for a computation, copying the current contents underlying the array_view to the accelerator is undesirable. C++ AMP provides the discard_data method as a means for you to indicate to the runtime that the contents of portion of data underlying the array_view are not interesting and need not be copied when the array_view is accessed on an accelerator_view where the array_view is not already cached. Calling this method on an array_view can be thought of as trashing the existing contents of the portion of data referenced by the array_view and applies to the array_view and all other array_views that are its sections or projections.
It is important to note that the effect of discard_data is transient – as soon as a discarded array_view is written to (on the host or any accelerator_view), the contents of the array_view become valid and are no longer considered discarded. Hence if an array_view is discarded, then written to on accelerator_view “av1 ” and then accessed on another location, the new contents of the array_view are transferred over from “av1” to the next location where it is accessed.
Another use of the discard_data method is to avoid any unwanted implicit synchronization upon destruction of the last array_view of a data source. Typical scenarios requiring this would be where temporary data sources and array_views over them are used for storing intermediate results in an algorithm and their final contents need not be synchronized to the data source.
Guideline A: For an array_view that is exclusively used for output in your CPU code or a parallel_for_each invocation, call discard_data on the array_view before capturing the array_view in the parallel_for_each kernel or accessing it in your CPU code.
Keeping in mind the transient effects of a discard_data call, C++ AMP programmers are encouraged to call discard_data on the output array_view just before the parallel_for_each invocation, to serve the dual purpose of self-documenting the output-only nature of an array_view in the parallel_for_each and also to ensure that effects of the discard are not inadvertently lost due to intermediate writes to the array_view between the discard_data call and the parallel_for_each invocation where the array_view is used for output.
Guideline B: Call discard_data on array_views created on temporary data sources after they are no longer needed, before array_views on such data sources are destructed.
This would avoid any pending modifications for such array_views (on locations other that the data source’s home location), to be implicitly synchronized to the data source upon destruction of the array_views.
template <typename BinaryFunction>
float ReduceRow(const array_view<const float> &rowView,
const BinaryFunction &func)
std::vector<float> tempVec(rowView.extent[0] / 2);
array_view<float> tempView(tempVec.size(), tempVec);
// Guideline A: Call discard_data on an array_view that is to be used
// purely as an output, to avoid unnecessary copying to the accelerator_view
parallel_for_each(tempView.extent, [=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp) {
float a = matrixView(rowToReduce, idx[0]);
float b = matrixView(rowToReduce, idx[0] + (numCols / 2));
tempView(idx) = func(a, b);
for (int stride = tempView.extent[0] / 2; stride > 0; stride /= 2)
parallel_for_each(extent<1>(stride), [=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp) {
float a = tempView(idx);
float b = tempView(idx[0] + stride);
tempView(idx) = func(a, b);
int result;
copy(tempView.section(0, 1), &result);
// Guideline B: Call discard_data on the temporary view before it goes
// out of scope to avoid the view from being synchronized to the CPU on destruction
return result;
In this post we looked at the discard_data function for array_views. Subsequent posts will dive into other functional and performance aspects of array_view - stay tuned!
I would love to hear your feedback, comments and questions below or in our MSDN forum.
- Anonymous
April 20, 2015
discard_data does not seem to work in VS 13.