Hyper-V Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available on Windows Update! + SCVMM - System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Beta: Update For Hyper-V RC1

The Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of Hyper-V is now available as a optional update on Windows Update.  Optional updates are not installed automatically by default.  To install the update open the Windows Update control panel and click “View available updates” under the “Install Updates” button.  Then check the Update for Windows Server 2008 (KB950049) and click install.

If you don’t see the update listed there could be a few reasons:
1)  You may find that you need to click the “Check for Updates” or “Check online for updates from Windows Update
2)  Depending on how busy the Windows Update servers are it may take a few days to get pushed out to every server.
3)  If you have the HP Network Configuration Utility installed you should refer to KB950792.

+++Plus +++

The SCVMM (System Center Virtual Machine Manager) team has released an update to Virtual Machine Manager 2008 beta for Hyper-V RC1 - If you go to https://connect.microsoft.com to downloaad

Happy Virtualizing!