P-12C Pilot
The Flight Simulator experience and other tangential thoughts
Thankfully Mike Gilbert (aka TDragger) has been a blogging maniac to make up for all of us that...
Author: P-12C Date: 08/15/2006
It's pretty much hell in the office these days. Not that it's particularly unusual when trying to...
Author: P-12C Date: 08/05/2006
...it would really come in handy in Spain afterall! Yes I'm going to flying to Spain next Sunday to...
Author: P-12C Date: 07/17/2006
Last Thursday and Friday were fun and very interesting for me. On Thursday we hosted visiting...
Author: P-12C Date: 07/17/2006
At least once a year we try to get out of town and do some camping. This year we went to Rasar State...
Author: P-12C Date: 07/17/2006
Our audio director recently checked in some final audio for our missions. I think it really sounds...
Author: P-12C Date: 05/27/2006
I'm not going to go into great detail here because that is what the SDK is for, and it will provide...
Author: P-12C Date: 05/18/2006
Dean M has been busy sending e-mails to fsideas and I think he's trying to get a job as a designer...
Author: P-12C Date: 05/18/2006
I just posted a bunch of photos of the P-12 my father has been building over the last 20+ years. The...
Author: P-12C Date: 04/19/2006
So it looks like the video we are working on for E3 will eventually be released to a large audience....
Author: P-12C Date: 04/12/2006
I'm sitting in MS Studios which is a full featured production studio on campus watching Jason Waskey...
Author: P-12C Date: 04/11/2006
I would have thought you guys would be all over this, but I don't see much action in the forums yet,...
Author: P-12C Date: 04/08/2006
Well maybe "fan" is a little strong, but last night was the first time my daughter took any real...
Author: P-12C Date: 04/08/2006
As much as I would love to start up e-mail dialogs with readers of this blog, if I did so, I would...
Author: P-12C Date: 04/04/2006
Unfortunately I'm home sick today, but I'll try to get some work done as well. My wife has been...
Author: P-12C Date: 04/03/2006
I doubt anyone will care, but this is just too funny. A friend of mine that I worked with at...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/30/2006
Occasionally I work from home, which I happen to be doing today. I'm actually much more productive...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/30/2006
I often see posts where users are wondering if it's too late to submit wishlists for FSX. Although...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/27/2006
I really need to investigate creating a gallery so I can show what I'm talking about, but for now...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/26/2006
One of my goals for FSX (or any product I'm designing) is to seed the design/world/experience with...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/26/2006
I'm so tired I can barely see straight. I've spent a good portion of the weekend building a...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/20/2006
That time of year is quickly approaching when entertainment publishers descend upon Los Angeles and...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/05/2006
We constantly see posts on various forums about how poorly we model aircraft, how we should have...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/01/2006
Last week we held another play test of missions, so I thought I would share some thoughts about play...
Author: P-12C Date: 03/01/2006
Cait whom has a blog called suborbitalblog asked me for more thoughts on my reservations about the...
Author: P-12C Date: 02/27/2006
Missions in Flight Simulator X are somewhat of a mystery right now, and I'm not going to spill the...
Author: P-12C Date: 02/23/2006
Well I must say I'm disappointed... There won't be jet class racing at Reno in 2006. Here is the...
Author: P-12C Date: 02/23/2006
Something that makes Flight Simulator different from nearly all other games is the fact that every...
Author: P-12C Date: 02/22/2006
If you aren’t really into aircraft, especially aircraft from all eras of aviation, you probably...
Author: P-12C Date: 02/22/2006
I’ve been thinking about doing this for several months and always had some excuse to postpone doing...
Author: P-12C Date: 02/21/2006