Helpful information and examples on how to use Windows Embedded POSReady, Windows Embedded for Point of Service (WEPOS), and POS for .NET.
Microsoft Korea Enterprise Platform Support: Windows Cloud & Enterprise Platform Team
Le blog technique Windows France
How to configure Windows Event Forwarding to enable domain systems to forward events to a workgroup central collector server.
We're the Windows Forms User Education team at Microsoft. We use this space to update folks on developments with Windows Forms docs, publishing doc updates before they're published. Feel free to ask us questions about WinForms, and we'll do our best to an
Official blog covering various aspects of Windows Hardware and Driver Development
Windows Hello Companion Device Framework Blog Posts
"Your guide to all things Windows Home Server"
本ブログは、更新終了し凍結いたしました。 ご愛読ありがとうございました!!
Windows Support Team located in India. Our ramblings on Windows and associated components.
Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden zu aktuellen Entwicklungen und erhalten Sie Tipps und Tricks für die Nutzung von Windows Intune.
Informations sur l'offre Windows Intune en France
Windows Live client side web application development according to Windows Live Quantum Mechanic Danny Thorpe.
Блог, посвященный онлайн-сервисам Windows Live.
Managing your IT infrastructure remotely, securely, reliably and efficiently
日本マイクロソフト株式会社の Multimedia サポートチームのブログです。
Official Windows MultiPoint SDK Developer Blog!
A place to learn more about Windows MultiPoint Server, directly from the development team.
The Internet of Things (IoT) brings together devices, sensors, cloud, data and your imagination. Here, you'll find helpful tips for developing Windows applications and services for small devices
Die Smartphone-Plattform von Microsoft
General Windows Phone developer tips including but limited to game programming tips. Also, general Silverlight news and announcements.
This is the official Windows Phone blog for IT Professionals.
News and information for public key infrastructure (PKI) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) professionals
Setup, connect, and print with confidence
#define _WIN32_WINNT
Ways to use the indexer to make your app great
thoughts from the Windows auditing team
A blog by the Windows Server UA security writing team.
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Blog społeczności Windows Server 2008