Win 10 SplitView – Creating a Hamburger Button
**YouTube Video - **
**GitHub sample - **
Although we have added the SplitView control to XAML with the ability to create a hamburger menu, we lack documentation on how to actually create the hamburger button. Honestly, I have searched and found very few things that provide insight and no documentation that shows exactly how to do so. Because of this, I figured it would be nice to go ahead and document that here.
The idea is pretty simple, basically we are just creating a button and styling it as a hamburger button. But where do we find the Hamburger Icon? For this we are going to use the Segoe MDL2 Assets font. You can find a list of the different icons available in this font here, This site provides all the codes for the different icons. So, where exactly is the Hamburger Button? There it is! I just did a Control+F to find it.
Alright, so we know where our icon is, let’s go ahead and create one in XAMl. Again, we are going to create a simple button and set the FontFamily to the Segoe MDL2 Assets font and the content to the code that references the specific hamburger button icon, “&#E700;”. The XAML looks like.
<Button x:Name="HamburgerButton" FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Content=""/>
Here’s a picture of the final result!
We have not yet create our actual menu, but since there was so little documentation on creating the actual button, i figured we would start there! That’s it. It’s that simple! Comment or find me on twitter @jamesqquick with any questions, comments, or concerns!
June 09, 2015
Thank youAnonymous
August 17, 2015
@Anil thank you for visiting!Anonymous
August 23, 2015
the page with the icons help to muchAnonymous
November 18, 2015
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 24, 2016
very helping thanks..