Roger's Security Blog
As Chief Security Advisor of Microsoft EMEA - lets share interesting security information
As you probably realized, I stopped the series "How I secure my Infrastructure" as the hit rate on...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/29/2008
:-) Roger
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/28/2008
As you may know, we announced version four of the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report earlier...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/25/2008
As you probably know: I am Swiss. We have a saying in Switzerland (I do not know whether something...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/25/2008
There is an interesting article on the value of the Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT – the tool...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/24/2008
Ed Gibson, our CSA in the UK had an interview during Infosec with VNunet. He made some interesting...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/24/2008
Back in March I blogged on a Technology to Circumvent Censorship. I actually expected some dialogue...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/24/2008
The Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich released a study at Blackhat, which is definitely...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/18/2008
I was in Bratislava this week for an IDC Conference. During these kind of events I often talk to the...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/18/2008
Last week we published – as you hopefully know – our "End to End Trust" whitepaper. If not, please...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/17/2008
Pretty often there is a discussion how far it is allowed to hack back. I was just reading an...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/16/2008
I just wanted to make you aware that we put the Office Binary Formats on the web. We did this for...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/15/2008
I start to get scared – more and more. Back in September I blogged on Critical Infrastructure...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/14/2008
This is actually an interesting statement. If you had ever to deal with the press you know how these...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/14/2008
I had the opportunity to see the Beta of our next generation of Forefront environment the first time...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/09/2008
You probably saw my blog post on End-To-End Trust last week. This week at RSA Craig Mundie,...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/08/2008
Does not solve any of the security problems (challenges?) but it sounds promising anyway Building A...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/05/2008
Compliance is the theme of the day at the moment. We often even see the Security Officers starting...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/04/2008
We are six years into Trustworthy Computing (TwC). When we launched it, we said a number of things:...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/03/2008
Internet Telephony Has Security Problems: This was an interesting read this morning for different...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/03/2008
Michael Howard just pointed us to a resource that could be interesting for you as well – it was new...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/02/2008
I just found this blog post: In Japan there is toilet paper with all the Vista SP1 features on it…....
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/02/2008
Well, we call it simply DaRT. You know the feeling: A machine does not boot anymore, crashed, has a...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/02/2008
Since quite some time we are talking about the "Death of the DMZ". This seems a little bit...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 04/01/2008
To Vista or not to Vista – a question quite some enterprises are asking these days. Mark Russinovich...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/31/2008
In December about 30 government advocates assembled to decide on - what they called - Open...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/27/2008
It is not new and I blogged several times on it: If you own a botnet, you can make quite some money....
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/27/2008
Well, I do not hope and I do not expect it to. Why? Well, mobile text messages are not free – mails...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/26/2008
Not only that it is "forced" on the clients – it seems even to crash Windows XP machines: Safari 3.1...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/25/2008
Quite some of you read my initial post on that – and I like the comments I got. Now, it seems that I...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/25/2008
I usually do not blog on Advisories we release as I guess that you subscribed to the corresponding...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/22/2008
As you all know: I rarely blog on competitors and – even rarer – blog about them negatively. But...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/19/2008
I just read an interesting article on a new hardware technology that – the patent owner hope – would...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/16/2008
I guess you know the problem: You ran a development project and have to test the code (if the...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/15/2008
The US Military just released a pretty interesting in-depth article on Cyber-Terrorism and the...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/13/2008
Over the next time (actually starting at RSA) you will hear more from us how we see the future of...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/06/2008
We just made Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 available. This is especially important if you are...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/05/2008
Often exchanging information and collaborating with external people is a big challenge. Therefore we...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/03/2008
Do you know that problem: You are at the beginning of a security crisis and should be able to give...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 03/03/2008
We launched Windows Server 2008 (as you hopefully know J). Infoweb published an article on Windows...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/29/2008
A blog reader sent me a mail informing me that he wrote a small application that links the DHS...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/29/2008
You all showed great interest in the Windows Server 2008 Security Guide Beta. Now the "real" version...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/29/2008
Well, this is a follow-up of my last posts about how I secure my environment. If you want to read...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/28/2008
It once more shows that the criminals are extremely creative in abusing features to do their...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/27/2008
Sorry for being so late on that but I was enjoying the gorgeous weather in Switzerland and was...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/25/2008
Enjoy: Roger
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/17/2008
We are supporting a project on SourceForge to write an OpenSource translator for Office Binary files...
Author: rhalbheer Date: 02/17/2008