My SOS cheat sheet
There are some handy sos commands that I need to use frequently while debugging, there are several other handy sos cheat sheets available that I use as well, check this one for example.
sxe -c "!pe;g" clr
You can run .logopen “C:\MyErrors.log” before this command and .LogClose after it so all you errors will be logged to the file
Break on specific exception type
Check this link for more details.
!Name2EE Microsoft_TeamFoundation_Framework_Server!Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.TeamFoundationApplication
bp Address ".if (Condition) {OptionalCommands} .else {gc}"
000007fc76a73e48 47 6768 System.Configuration.SectionInformation
!dumpheap -type System.Configuration.SectionInformation
.foreach (obj { !dumpheap -type Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.IdentityDescriptor -short }) { !mdt ${obj} -r}
First get the offset of the property you need to print (easiest way is to just dump one of the objects and copy the offset)
0:033> !do 0000001834b180b8
Name: System.Configuration.SectionInformation
MethodTable: 000007fc76a73e48
EEClass: 000007fc76a14c58
Size: 144(0x90) bytes
File: D:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Configuration\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Configuration.dll
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
000007fc76a732d0 40001be 8 ...figurationSection 0 instance 0000001834b17c78 _configurationSection
000007fc76a73788 40001bf 68 ...n.SafeBitVector32 1 instance 0000001834b18120 _flags
000007fc76a73740 40001c0 70 ...SimpleBitVector32 1 instance 0000001834b18128 _modifiedFlags
000007fc76a76220 40001c1 60 System.Int32 1 instance 300 _allowDefinition
000007fc76a76280 40001c2 64 System.Int32 1 instance 100 _allowExeDefinition
000007fc76a75ed8 40001c3 10 ...nfigurationRecord 0 instance 0000000000000000 _configRecord
000007fc782faee0 40001c4 18 System.String 0 instance 000000183469a030 _configKey
000007fc782faee0 40001c5 20 System.String 0 instance 0000001834699908 _group
000007fc782faee0 40001c6 28 System.String 0 instance 0000001834699ef0 _name
000007fc782faee0 40001c7 30 System.String 0 instance 0000001834699f28 _typeName
000007fc782faee0 40001c8 38 System.String 0 instance 0000000000000000 _rawXml
000007fc782faee0 40001c9 40 System.String 0 instance 0000000000000000 _configSource
000007fc782faee0 40001ca 48 System.String 0 instance 0000000000000000 _configSourceStreamName
000007fc76a7a048 40001cb 50 ...igurationProvider 0 instance 0000000000000000 _protectionProvider
000007fc782faee0 40001cc 58 System.String 0 instance 0000000000000000 _protectionProviderName
000007fc76a73a50 40001cd 78 ...errideModeSetting 1 instance 0000001834b18130 _overrideModeDefault
000007fc76a73a50 40001ce 80 ...errideModeSetting 1 instance 0000001834b18138 _overrideMode
And then loop through all objects of this type and dump this property
.foreach (foo {!DumpHeap -type System.Configuration.SectionInformation -short}) {!do poi(${foo}+28)}
Sample Output
Name: System.String
MethodTable: 000007fc782faee0
EEClass: 000007fc77c63720
Size: 32(0x20) bytes
File: D:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
String: uri
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
000007fc782fdc90 40000aa 8 System.Int32 1 instance 3 m_stringLength
000007fc782fc1c8 40000ab c System.Char 1 instance 75 m_firstChar
000007fc782faee0 40000ac 18 System.String 0 shared static Empty
>> Domain:Value 0000001833796360:NotInit 00000018337ed9e0:NotInit <<
Name: System.String
MethodTable: 000007fc782faee0
EEClass: 000007fc77c63720
Size: 60(0x3c) bytes
File: D:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
String: webRequestModules
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
000007fc782fdc90 40000aa 8 System.Int32 1 instance 17 m_stringLength
000007fc782fc1c8 40000ab c System.Char 1 instance 77 m_firstChar
000007fc782faee0 40000ac 18 System.String 0 shared static Empty
>> Domain:Value 0000001833796360:NotInit 00000018337ed9e0:NotInit <<
Name: System.String
MethodTable: 000007fc782faee0
EEClass: 000007fc77c63720
Size: 50(0x32) bytes
File: D:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
String: defaultProxy
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
000007fc782fdc90 40000aa 8 System.Int32 1 instance 12 m_stringLength
000007fc782fc1c8 40000ab c System.Char 1 instance 64 m_firstChar
000007fc782faee0 40000ac 18 System.String 0 shared static Empty
>> Domain:Value 0000001833796360:NotInit 00000018337ed9e0:NotInit <<