Blogging about the Blog Platform
Tracking the MSDN and TechNet blog platforms...
As per my previous posts, we've finished the integration of the MSDN and TechNet Blogs into the...
Date: 08/11/2011
If you’ve been paying attention to the MSDN or TechNet Blogs and Forums or the TechNet Wiki over the...
Date: 07/20/2011
When a day comes along that looks like this out my office window... well let's just say I'd work a...
Date: 05/20/2011
Well folks I'm back. I've been busy working on a whole slew of things around MSDN and TechNet...
Date: 05/06/2011
It's been a few months again... bad me. Anyway, the team is busy working on upgrading the underlying...
Date: 02/22/2011
Earlier today we released an update to the MSDN and TechNet blogs. Some of these features are...
Date: 12/07/2010
So apparently I wasn't just right back and it's been 5 months since I blogged. Oh how time flies....
Date: 11/30/2010
Shameless cross-team promotion today... that and I did the little bytes by TN graphic intro ;-) I...
Date: 08/04/2010
(passing along some great resources we are releasing today for free...) Today, we are releasing the...
Date: 07/26/2010
Folks, just a short post to alert you that the June update for the MSDN and TechNet blogs is coming...
Date: 06/28/2010
Just a quick post to let folks know we are working on our next update. Some of the fixes are...
Date: 06/14/2010
Well that was one long, long week… My plan following the upgrade was to post about how it...
Date: 06/02/2010
Now where was I? Oh yeah, that's right, deploying the final bits! Today has been a great day. We...
Date: 05/21/2010
On Track. It Is. We completed and packaged our final build of the web application bits today. Site...
Date: 05/20/2010
Who would have thought that my little blog post and the blog migration would have been picked up by...
Date: 05/19/2010
Data migration continued on schedule today and we are optimistic that everything will complete as...
Date: 05/18/2010
Many thanks to the blog authors who have been helping to spread the word about the migration....
Date: 05/17/2010
As I've mentioned in a few posts last week (and other bloggers on MSDN and TechNet have shared), the...
Date: 05/16/2010
The upgrade to the blogging platform will begin on Sunday May 16th at about 9pm PDST. With the...
Date: 05/12/2010
Hi, I'm the PM for the MSDN and TechNet blogs. And in just two weeks from now we are going to be...
Date: 05/10/2010
Just what happens when I create a new page?
Date: 02/19/2010
Check out the new series about the updates coming for TechNet!...
Date: 02/03/2010
Pretty eh? I do motion graphics in my ahem, spare time… this is something I recently put...
Date: 12/22/2009
So Hi. I'm Sean. I'm the new PM for and I have a ton to learn, a...
Date: 12/14/2009