Hello world to TTS (1)
In this post, I will show you how easily you can make your first TTS application with C#. This example will use the COM interop to call SAPI functionality because SAPI has implemented a number of automation objects that can be directly used in C# or any other .Net languages.
Suppose you have Windows Vista (or Windows 7 Beta ) and Vistual Studio installed. Here is a step by step guide:
1. Create the solution by clicking the menu: File -> New -> Project, select the "Visual C#" -> "Windows" -> "Console Application",
choose a project name "SAPIInterop" . A basic C# project will be created automatically
2. Add the referrence to SAPI.dll by clicking "Project" -> "Add Referrence" -> "COM". In the list, find and select the "Microsoft Speech Object Library". A "SpeechLib" referrence will appear in the project referrences list.
3. Now we can add some piece of code to make the first "hello world" TTS application.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using SpeechLib;
using System.Diagnostics;namespace SAPIInterop
class Program
static void Speak(int voiceIdx)
SpVoice spVoice = new SpVoice();
ISpeechObjectTokens tokens = spVoice.GetVoices(null, null);
if (voiceIdx < 0 || voiceIdx >= tokens.Count)
Console.WriteLine("voice index out of range from [0-{0}]", tokens.Count);
}spVoice.Voice = tokens.Item(voiceIdx);
spVoice.Rate = 0;
spVoice.Speak("Hello world", SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault);
}static void ListVoice()
SpObjectTokenCategory tokenCat = new SpObjectTokenCategory();
tokenCat.SetId(SpeechLib.SpeechStringConstants.SpeechCategoryVoices, false);
ISpeechObjectTokens tokens = tokenCat.EnumerateTokens(null, null);
foreach (SpObjectToken item in tokens)
}static void Main(string[] args)
// list voices installed on the system
// speak with the second voices. If you have only one voice, change it to Speak(0)