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Reblog: Microsoft Support Model Changing for System Center Products

Source: The Configuration Manager Support Team Blog

Beginning on Monday, March 30, 2009, support for Microsoft's Premier customers on System Center products will move from a live phone queue to callback.  This applies to the Systems Management Server/Configuration Manager (SMS/ConfigMgr) and the Operations Manager (MOM/SCOM) product lines and includes all severities and Premier offerings.   Normal response goals for support on these products have not changed, and support will continue to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This will bring these products in-line with all other support offerings and products in the System Center family of products.

So why move to a callback model? The primary reason we made the decision to move to a callback model is because of the success we’ve already seen by doing this with the other System Center products.  A callback model allows us to get a customer to the support engineer who is best able to resolve that particular issue as quickly as possible, instead of simply the engineer who happens to be the first one available. This is a big win as we’ve found that connecting you with the right engineer from the start gets your issue resolved faster, saving you both time and money and increasing satisfaction.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact your Technical Account Manager, or you can contact the System Center Support management team directly at

Remark: For EMEA this callback model was already implemented.