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Microsoft Partner Network Windows Intune Desktop Sales Specialist Assessment Partner Training

The Microsoft Partner Network Windows Intune Desktop Sales Specialist Assessment, for partner sales and marketing roles, tests knowledge of Windows Intune solutions with a focus on Desktop.

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For additional training resources visit The Learning Plan Tool

Instructional objectives for this assessment:

  • Identify the components of the Windows Intune Offering
  • Distinguish between the capabilities of Windows Intune and the capabilities of comparable on-premise Microsoft solutions
  • Identify the key marketplace trends and business challenges that are relevant to selling the Windows Intune offering to SMB and how Intune addresses those challenges
  • Given a scenario of customer needs, requirements, and organizational goals, identify the Windows Intune capabilities that would best meet those needs
  • Identify licensing and pricing options for the Windows Intune offering
  • Identify target customers for Windows Intune
  • Given a partner scenario, identify cross-sell opportunities for Windows Intune