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MEA Windows Azure Resources SkyDrive Folder

After reading Windows Azure Development InfoKit one pager,

probably you'll need more resources to develop your Windows Azure skills.


I've created Windows Azure Resources Folder ( to help
you quickly developing your skills.



In this shared SkyDrive folder you'll find :


Windows Azure Development InfoKit  : Great one-pager resource for starting
Windows Azure: Resources, Code Samples, Blogs and Downloads


Windows Azure  Training Kit : This is the ultimate technical readiness package

for Windows Azure Readiness. Discover 38 presentations, 47 hands-on-labs and

24 demos. Daily reference for Windows Azure developers.


Free Windows Azure EBooks : Good resources for migrating and/or developing cloud
applications. Detailed architecture info for Service Bus and Hybrid concepts


Windows Azure Champ Calls : Deep-dive weekly calls to Windows Azure features. Agenda
included in folder.


Learn Windows Azure in 3 Hours : Selected videos for helping you to Learn Windows Azure
in 3 hours. Topics includes Cloud Services, Web Sites, Storage, SQL DB, Virtual
Machines, TFS and Managing Windows Azure.