Council Spotlight: How should Notifications work?
Let's start at the very beginning (it's a very good place to start); please read this post from Peter Laker (this explains the forward movement to dreaming up a new community platform):
We're continuing our discussion with the community about the migration process and the new platform. We're building on our last two related discussions:
- Council Spotlight: What if we manually migrated the articles? - 31 Comments
- Council Spotlight: Would you want personal messages? - 54 Comments!!!
- Council Spotlight: What would you want a Content Editor to be like?
This next topic came about from the exact same comment from .paul. that inspired the last topic! Here it is:
- "Personal messages might be useful, but I think we should concentrate on getting the quality of the wiki editor, and the notifications service before anything else…"
And that begs the question...
How should Notifications work?
To be honest, my mind doesn't go straight to notifications. There was a time when I loved them and always followed up to see who commented on or edited my Wiki article. That has become more casual over the years. But I still appreciate it and sometimes follow up to see what's happening.
Keep in mind that this is just a discussion. We don't know what the platform would be like. But let's discuss whether or not things like notifications would even be valuable.
- Would Notifications be valuable?
- What would you use it for?
- Would you want settings to customize notifications or to turn them off? What would those settings be like?
Please answer the questions in the comments below.
Thank you in advance for your responses!
Jump on in! The Community is warm!
- Ninja Ed
- Anonymous
October 04, 2018
Nice Post ED and needed one too :)As per my views Notification is needed for1) If an article is deleted then reason for deletion notification should be send to the author.2) If an article is edited then detail comment need to be send for an author as what has been edited and why the article has been edited.This way original author can get to know as is that really needed modification for his article,Many issues with article editing as many users will not add a comment as what they have edited and in some case article will be edited for removing one single space.3) Comment notification has to be send to an author as that might be to appreciate him or to give points to improve the article.With out notification author might not aware about the comment posted on the article and regular contributor will not watch back their previous articles ,If they get notification then it will be helpful for them to check it frequently.- Anonymous
October 18, 2018
These are great scenarios. Would you expect a simple email to notify you?Thanks, Syed!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
October 04, 2018
The comment has been removed- Anonymous
October 18, 2018
I really like your #2 point! That would be nice to notify the author that their article got deleted (or not accepted). In the new platform, I think it would be more likely that an article wouldn't get accepted and then the author would be notified of what's missing/needed in order for the article to be accepted. So it would be great for the author to get a notification for that, so they could stay on top of it.I also like your idea of mandatory comments to explain the edits.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
October 05, 2018
Another notification i'd like to see in the new wiki... Occasionally i receive points on my profile which just arrive unexplained. Could we get notifications explaining those wiki points in our profile activity lists?- Anonymous
October 18, 2018
That's a great point.. um, about points. Yeah, that pun was not intended.Thanks, .paul!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
October 05, 2018
I like that I can get notifications on my Windows Phone lock screen. But only because I can also choose for it NOT to show the actual message. I like that I can silence noisy notifications when I need to sleep.And also silence them quickly (in a meeting) from a swipe and tap from anywhere.It would be nice if the newly announced integrated Microsoft Graph features allowed me to silence other apps when Office 365 or Outlook knows I'm in a meeting.It would also be nice if I could get digests of my notifications at any time.It would be nice if I could group users or notice types in categories, so I get some notifications from people I'm waiting for, but not all.- Anonymous
October 18, 2018
These are great scenarios.With this in mind, how might something like a community authoring platform to your phone?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
October 07, 2018
- Would Notifications be valuable?Yes :-)But we should have option to configure which notifications we get, and not like today only yes/no!The system should based on rules (which mean that in time the team can simply change the rules we can select to enforce).For example: (1) Someone edit the article. (2) Someone edit the tags only. (3) A user with less than 1000 points edit the the article- this is probably something we need to check more than a case that someone with 100k points edit the article, since this change might spam...2. What would you use it for?> Confirm that the article was not replaced with spam content> Follow different types of changes in the article (like only changes in TAGs or in the CONTENT)> Administration: notifications of multiple editing or new articles from the same user3. Would you want settings to customize notifications or to turn them off? What would those settings be like?AS described above...** IMPORTANT!notifications should not be only by email. In fact the user should have an option to select how he get the notifications. My preferred option is on screen when we go the community website (this related to a different discussion we had regarding internal messaging, which should be used for these notifications as well)
- Anonymous
October 18, 2018
That would be interesting... a notification dashboard of sorts. What about via text?
- Anonymous