Windows SDK Support Team Blog

#define _WIN32_WINNT

Question: We are trying to use some of the new WLAN APIs to get wireless network and password...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 11/04/2009

Question: On Windows XP, I am starting regedit.exe in suspended mode and forcing it to call the...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 11/04/2009

Question: We are trying to introduce QoS into our VOIP services. While working on this we have...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 11/04/2009

Question: Why does my DirectShow based video capture application fail to set resolution for the...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 11/04/2009

Question: Why does the NdrClientCall2() API call takes more then 4-5 milliseconds to complete in my...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 11/04/2009

  Question: Is there any API available to check SLP 1.0 values from the BIOS? Answer: Yes, you...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 11/04/2009

Two points to remember before you write your Windows Media Player plug-in using the WMP public...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 10/20/2009

Sometime you may be in a situation to get the MAC address of a machine/device whose IP Address is...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 10/09/2009

Couple of times I got a question to <Enable or Disable “Enable write caching on disk” behavior on...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 10/09/2009

Question may be, I need to check If the user belong to a particular group or not? There are NetUser*...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 10/08/2009

An application can register for device change notifications using RegisterDeviceNotification...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 09/22/2009

Recently I came across a problem 32 bit application querying the .NET CLR Memory “Gen 1 heap size”...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 08/14/2009

Possible Scenario: On Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 by default IGMPv3 is enabled. When you send...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/27/2009

Why do you want to disable IPV6? Before you want to disable IPV6, you need to carefully think and...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/17/2009

A while ago I came across a problem in which SetWindowHookEx API with WH_JOURNALRECORD was failing...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/16/2009

RDC and Custom Credential Providers Issue: When you have your own custom credential provider (CP)...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/14/2009

The first thing you should do about it is that, don't do it. There are many limitations, bad...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/14/2009

Mapped drives can't be created after Microsoft Security Update from code running under Network...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/14/2009

File.Exists /_access / GetFileAttributes / FindFirstFile,FindNextFile / _stat behavior over SMB 2.0...

Author: Prateek Kr Dubey Date: 07/10/2009
