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WPF: hAndy Tips


This article is the parent to a series presenting a wide variety of wpf development tips.
This groups the series together allowing the reader to easily find connected articles by category.
Some are short, some are long.  Some are for beginners and some for the advanced.
There's something for everyone.
Get em while they're hot. 

Work in Progress - please do not edit

Beginning WPF

Articles which are intended to be particularly useful to beginners but could perhaps still be of interest to the more experienced WPF developer.

WPF Controls are Lookless


The Mystery of the Lost Binding
DataContext Special Source

Advanced Binding

Binding Text To Numeric Resource
Bind to Current Item of Collection


Combobox Matching Complex Type ( for selecteditem )

Dependency Properties

Simple Attached Dependency Property
Dependency Property Default Double Trouble


Newline in Text
StringFormat on TimeSpan


RadioButton Alignment
Moving UI To Cursor


Too Much Measuring is Bad


Designer Detection


Only One Parent


Uneventful MVVM
Animating a ViewModel
Adding MVVM Light to an Existing Project

Visual Studio

Hide The Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 In App Menu Tip

See Also

WPF Resources on the Technet WIki