Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides access only to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business functions. Business function metadata is read using a business function interface and used to find a list of business functions and associated data structures. Metadata is strongly typed in all cases for all business function methods.
All business function methods have the same calling convention: three parameters that are system derived, and a pointer to a data structure. The following table shows how business function data types are represented.
Extended data types (EDTs) and base enumerations (enums) are data types that are created and managed in the development environment. Base enums represent a list of literals, while EDTs are reusable data types that have a specific definition. The Application Object Tree (AOT) in finance and operations apps contains many existing EDTs and base enums that can be extended for use in your project, or you can create new data types. This module will focus on creating new data types.