CBRSample (BizTalk Server Sample)
The CBRSample sample demonstrates how to apply filters and an outbound map to transform and route instance messages based on content.
This sample demonstrates the routing of a message containing name, address, and contact information to one of two folders based on country code. Specifically, this sample does the following:
Defines a sample message format containing basic information about a person including identity with user ID and full name, address with country code, and phone contact information.
Promotes the CountryCode property in the input document so that it can be used in a port filter to control transformation and routing.
Transforms the message into a Canadian version when CountryCode is equal to 200 or a U.S. version when CountryCodeis equal to 100. Both transforms pass through all data except middle initial (Initial). The Canadian version also maps State to Province and ZipCode to PinCode.
Routes U.S. messages to the US directory and Canadian messages to the CAN directory.
The design relies on the default send and receive XML pipelines, property promotion, subscription filters, and outbound maps within BizTalk Server to route messages. The following table shows design elements and their justification.
Design element | Reason(s) selected |
Default XML receive pipeline | - The XMLReceive pipeline supports property promotion; the PassThruReceive pipeline does not. - The inbound message is already in XML format and does not require processing beyond basic disassembly and party resolution. |
Property promotion | - BizTalk Serverdepends upon property fields to do routing. Distinguished fields are used by orchestrations and cannot be used for routing. |
Subscription filter | - The subscription filter performs the actual routing by capturing messages that meet one or more criteria based on property fields. |
Outbound map | - Maps transform data from one format to another. The sample maps an inbound message to either a U.S. or Canadian format. |
XMLTransmit | - Performs basic assembly of outgoing XML messages; the PassThruTransmit pipeline provides no additional support. |
This basic pattern can be extended and used for more complex scenarios.
This sample is located at <Samples Path>
The following table shows the files in this sample and describes their purpose.
File(s) | Description |
CBRDataCAN.Xml, CBRDataUS.Xml | Sample input files that conform to the schema defined in the file CBRInputSchema.xsd. |
CBRInput2CANMap.btm, CBRInput2USMap.btm | Map files for the Canadian and U.S. format transformations, respectively. |
CBRInputSchema.xsd, CBROutputSchemaCAN.xsd, CBROutputSchemaUS.xsd | Schema files for the input format, the Canadian output format, and the U.S. output format, respectively. |
CBRPromotedPropertySchema.xsd | Schema file for the promoted property that corresponds to the CountryCode element in the XML input files. |
CBRSample.btproj, CBRSample.sln | BizTalk project and solution files for this sample. |
Cleanup.bat | Used to undeploy assemblies and remove them from the global assembly cache. Removes send and receive ports. Removes Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual directories as needed. |
Setup.bat | Used to build and initialize this sample. |
Use this sample as a working example of the actions required to route a message based on content.
To build and initialize the CBRSample sample, you need to build and deploy the BizTalk project for this sample, configure the receive port and location, and configure two different send ports.
In a command window, navigate to the following folder:
<Samples Path>
\Messaging\CBRSampleRun Setup.bat, which performs the following actions:
Creates the input (In) and output folders (US and CAN) for this sample.
Compiles and deploys the Microsoft Visual Studio project for this sample.
Creates and binds the BizTalk Server receive location, and the send and receive ports.
This sample displays the following warning when creating and binding the ports:
Warning: Receive handler not specified for receive location "CBRReceiveLocation"; updating with first receive handler with matching transport type.
You can safely ignore this warning. (To accommodate for possible naming differences in user installations, the host name and receive handler have been omitted from the binding file.)
You should confirm that BizTalk Server did not report any errors during the build and initialization process before attempting to run this sample.
If you choose to open and build the project in this sample without running Setup.bat, you must first create a strong name key pair using the .NET Framework Strong Name utility (sn.exe). Use this key pair to sign the resulting assembly.
To undo changes made by Setup.bat, run Cleanup.bat. You must run Cleanup.bat before running Setup.bat a second time.
In Microsoft SQL Management Studio, select the correct BizTalk Management database.
The BizTalk Management database is also referred to as the BizTalk Configuration database.
In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand Send Ports, right-click CBRUSSendPort, and then click Edit.
In the Static One-Way Send Port Properties dialog box, in the folder tree to the left of the dialog box, select Filters & Mapping | Filters, and then add a new row by setting Property to CBRSample.CountryCode, leaving the Operator column set to ==, and setting the Value column to 100.
In the folder tree to the left of the dialog box, select Filters & Mapping | Outbound Maps, set the Map to apply property to CBRSample.CBRInput2USMap, and then click OK. You may have to click the scroll button to bring the map into view.
In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand Send Ports, right-click CBRCANSendPort, and then click Edit.
In the Static One-Way Send Port Properties dialog box, in the folder tree to the left of the dialog box, select Filters & Mapping | Filters, and then add a new row by setting Property to CBRSample.CountryCode, leaving the Operator column set to ==, and setting the Value column to 200.
In the folder tree to the left of the dialog box, select Filters & Mapping | Outbound Maps, set the Map to apply property to CBRSample.CBRInput2CANMap, and then click OK.
These steps connect the send port to the receive port. The sample uses promoted properties to route the documents.
BizTalk Server is ready now to work with this sample.
Use the following procedure to run the CBRSample sample.
Copy the input files, CBRDataCAN.xml and CBRDataUS.xml, into the following input folder:
<Samples Path>
\Messaging\CBRSample\InObserve how each of these files is transformed and routed to one of the following two output folders based on the value of their CountryCode element (100 versus 200):
BizTalk Server transforms and routes the input file CBRDataCAN.xml to the folder:
<Samples Path>
\Messaging\CBRSample\CANBizTalk Server transforms and routes the input file CBRDataUS.xml to the folder:
<Samples Path>
Default Pipelines
How to Configure Outbound Maps for a Send Port
Messaging (BizTalk Server Samples Folder)