Sizing the Tracking Database to Track Message Bodies
If you plan to track the message bodies in the BizTalk Tracking database, then you will also need to account for the size of these bodies in your calculation. Use the following equation:
[Msgs * MsgNum * (MsgSize)]/1024 = Data size in MB
Consider adding the average size of the message context to MsgSize above if it is significant compared to the message size.
The MsgNum variable is determined by turning on the tracking features at the port level or at the orchestration level using the message event and service instance tracking in the Group Hub page. You must apply this formula to each message process as well.
Using Message Variables to Size the Tracking Database
Scenario 1: Sizing the Tracking Database for Simple BizTalk Messages
Scenario 2: Sizing the Tracking Database for Messages in Orchestrations
Scenario 4: Sizing the Tracking Database for all Messages
Scenario 3: Sizing the Tracking Database for Messages Sent Out to Distribution Lists