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Walkthrough: Deploying the Policy

This walkthrough provides step-by-step instructions for deploying the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy in the following three ways:

  • Exporting and importing the policy by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.

  • Exporting the policy to an XML file and importing the policy from an XML file by using the BizTalk Server Administration console.

  • Exporting the policy as part of an MSI file and importing the MSI file by using BizTalk Server Administration console.


You must complete the Walkthrough: Tracking Policy Execution walkthrough before performing this walkthrough.

Overview of This Walkthrough

This topic contains the following three walkthroughs:

  1. The first walkthrough contains procedures for deploying the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard. The following table describes the procedures in this walkthrough.

    Procedure title Procedure description
    To export POVocabulary 1.0 and 1.1 by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard Provides step-by-step instructions for exporting versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the POVocabulary vocabulary to XML files by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.
    To export ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard Provides step-by-step instructions for exporting version 1.3 of the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy to an XML file by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.
    To delete ProcessPurchaseOrder and POVocabulary Provides step-by-step instructions for deleting the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary so that you can test importing the XML files to re-create them.
    To import from XML to re-create POVocabulary 1.0 and 1.1 Provides step-by-step instructions for importing the vocabulary XML file you created in the first procedure to re-create the POVocabulary vocabulary.
    To verify that POVocabulary 1.0 and 1.1 are re-created Provides step-by-step instructions for using the Business Rule Composer to verify that versions 1.0 and 1.1 of POVocabulary are re-created.
    To import from XML to re-create ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 Provides step-by-step instructions for importing the policy XML file you created in the second procedure to re-create version 1.3 of the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy.
    To verify that ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 is re-created Provides step-by-step instructions for using the Business Rule Composer to verify that version 1.3 of the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy is re-created.
  2. The second walkthrough contains procedures for deploying the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy by using an XML file exported from the BizTalk Server Administration console The following table describes the procedures in this walkthrough.

    Procedure title Procedure description
    To export the ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 policy and the POVocabulary vocabulary to an XML file Provides step-by-step instructions for using the BizTalk Server Administration console to export the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and the POVocabulary vocabulary to an XML file.
    To delete the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy Provides step-by-step instructions for deleting the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy from RuleTestApp and the rule engine database.
    To import the XML file to re-create the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy Provides step-by-step instructions for importing the XML file you exported in the first procedure to re-create the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy.
    To add the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy to the RuleTestApp application Provides step-by-step instructions for adding the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy to the RuleTestApp application.
  3. The third walkthrough contains procedures for deploying the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy by using an MSI file exported from the BizTalk Server Administration console. The following table describes the procedures in this walkthrough.

    Procedure title Procedure has step-by-step instructions for
    To export the RuleTestApp application to an MSI file Provides step-by-step instructions for exporting the RuleTestApp application to an MSI file, which is used later to re-create the application.
    To delete the RuleTestApp application Provides step-by-step instructions for deleting the RuleTestApp application so that you can test re-creating the application by using the MSI file.
    To verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary are deleted Provides step-by-step instructions for using the Business Rule Composer to verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary are deleted.
    To import the MSI file to re-create the RuleTestApp application Provides step-by-step instructions for using the BizTalk Server Administration console to import the MSI file to re-create the RuleTestApp application.
    To verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy is added to RuleTestApp Provides step-by-step instructions for using the BizTalk Server Administration console to verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy is added to the RuleTestApp application.
    To verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary are re-created Provides step-by-step instructions for using the Business Rule Composer to verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary are re-created.
    To test the solution Provides step-by-step instructions for testing the solution.

Procedures for Deploying the ProcessPurchaseOrder Policy by Using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard

To export POVocabulary 1.0 and 1.1 by using the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. Click Next.

  3. On the Deployment Task page, select Export Policy/Vocabulary to file from database, and then click Next.

  4. On the Policy Store page, click Next.

  5. On the Export Policy/Vocabulary page, click Vocabulary.

  6. Select POVocabulary.1.0 from the drop-down list for Policy/Vocabulary, type or browse to specify the XML output file name as C:\BRE-walkthroughs\POVocabulary10.xml, and then click Next.

  7. On the Ready page, click Next.

  8. On the Exporting Policy/Vocabulary page, click Next.

  9. Select Run this wizard again, and then click Finish.

    Because you selected Run this wizard again, the first screen of the wizard appears again.

  10. Repeat steps 2-6.

  11. Select POVocabulary.1.1 from the drop-down list for Policy/Vocabulary, type or browse to specify the XML output file name as C:\BRE-walkthroughs\POVocabulary11.xml, and then click Next.

  12. Repeat steps 8 and 9.

  13. Click Finish.


    You need to export both version 1.0 and version 1.1 of POVocabulary because ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 depends on both versions of POVocabulary. The Maximum number of items allowed definition is used from version 1.1 of the vocabulary. The Requested Quantity and Request Status definitions are used from version 1.0.

To export ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 by using the Business Rule Engine Deployment Wizard

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. On the Welcome to the Rules Engine Deployment Wizard page, click Next.

  3. Select Export Policy/Vocabulary to file from database, and then click Next.

  4. On the Policy Store page, click Next.

  5. Verify that the Policy option is selected.

  6. Select ProcessPurchaseOrder.1.3 from the drop-down list for Policy/Vocabulary.

  7. Type or browse to specify C:\BRE-walkthroughs\ProcessPOPolicy13.xml as the XML output file name.

  8. Click Next thrice, and then click Finish.

To delete ProcessPurchaseOrder and POVocabulary

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rule Composer. If you have Business Rule Composer already open, press F5 or click Reload on the File menu to refresh it.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. In the Policy Explorer window, expand Policies, expand ProcessPurchaseOrder, right-click Version 1.0, and then click Delete. If Delete is disabled, right-click Version 1.0, and then click Undeploy.


    The deployed policy versions cannot be deleted. You must undeploy a policy before deleting a policy version.

  3. Click Yes in the confirmation message box.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete Version 1.1.

  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete Version 1.2.

  6. Right-click Version 1.3 - Deployed, and then click Undeploy. If the Undeploy option is disabled, ignore this step.

  7. In the Facts Explorer window, expand Vocabularies, right-click POVocabulary, and then click Delete.

To import from XML to re-create POVocabulary 1.0 and 1.1

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. On the Welcome to the Rules Engine Deployment Wizard, click Next.

  3. On the Deployment Task page, select Import and publish Policy/Vocabulary to database from file, and then click Next.

  4. On the Policy Store page, click Next.

  5. Browse and select the POVocabulary10.xml file you created in the first procedure.

  6. Click Open or double-click POVocabulary10.xml.

  7. Click Next in the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Select Run this wizard again, and then click Finish.

  11. Repeat steps 2-9 to import POVocabulary11.xml.

  12. Click Finish.

To verify that POVocabulary 1.0 and 1.1 are re-created

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rule Composer. If you have it already open, press F5 or click Reload on the File menu to refresh it.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. In the Facts Explorer window, click the Vocabularies tab.

  3. Expand Vocabularies, and you should see POVocabulary.

  4. Expand POVocabulary, and you should see Version 1.0 and Version 1.1.

To import from XML to re-create ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. On the Welcome to the Rules Engine Deployment Wizard, click Next.

  3. On the Deployment Task page, select Import and publish Policy/Vocabulary to database from fileto database from file, and then click Next.

  4. On the Policy Store page, click Next.

  5. Browse and select the ProcessPOPolicy13.xml file you created earlier in this walkthrough.

  6. Click Open or double-click ProcessPOPolicy13.xml.

  7. Click Next in the Business Rules Engine Deployment Wizard.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Next, and then click Finish.

To verify that ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 is re-created

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rule Composer. If you have it already open, press F5 or click Reload on the File menu to refresh it.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. In the Policy Explorer window, expand Policies and you should see ProcessPurchaseOrder.

  3. Expand ProcessPurchaseOrder and you should see Version 1.3 - Published.

Procedures for Deploying the Policy by Using an XML file Exported from the BizTalk Server Administration Console

To export the ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 policy and the POVocabulary vocabulary to an XML file

  1. On the Start menu, open BizTalk Server Administration. If you have the tool already open, press F5 to refresh it.

  2. Expand Console Root, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Group, expand Applications, and then expand RuleTestApp.

  3. Click Policies and make sure that you see the ProcessPurchaseOrder 1.3 policy in the list.

  4. Right-click ProcessPurchaseOrder, and then click Export.

  5. In the Export Policies dialog box, make sure the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and the POVocabulary are selected.


    You can export all the policies in an application to an XML file by right-clicking RuleTest and then clicking Export on the Policies menu. This way you can export all the policies and vocabulary used by this application to a single XML file.


    You can export all the policies in all the applications to an XML file by right-clicking the Applications node and then clicking Export on the Policies menu. This way you can export all the policies and vocabularies used by all the applications into a single XML file.

  6. Specify an output XML file name (C:\BRE-Walkthroughs\ProcessPOFromAdmin.xml), and then click Ok.

To delete the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy

  1. In BizTalk Server Administration, right-click ProcessPurchaseOrder in the list, and then click Remove.

  2. Click Yes in the Remove Policy message box.


    If the policy is in the deployed state, it cannot be removed. Right-click ProcessPurchaseOrder, and then click Undeploy to undeploy the policy. The Remove menu item is available when the policy is undeployed.


    The vocabularies on which the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy depends, in this case POVocabulary, are also deleted.


    When you remove a policy from an application, the policy and the vocabularies that it depends on are deleted from the rule engine database as well, not just from the application.

To import the XML file to re-create the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy

  1. In BizTalk Server Administration, expand Console Root, expand BizTalk Server Administration, and then expand BizTalk Group.

  2. Right-click Applications, point to Import, and then click Policies.

  3. Browse, and double-click the XML file (C:\BRE-Walkthroughs\ProcessPOFromAdmin.xml) that you created in the first procedure.

  4. Expand <All Artifacts> under Applications.

  5. Click Policies, and you should see version 1.3 of the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy in the list.

  6. Press F5 to refresh the view. The ProcessPurchaseOrder policy should be in the Not Published state.

To add the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy to the RuleTestApp application

  1. In BizTalk Server Administration, right-click ProcessPurchaseOrder policy, and then click Publish.


    Only published policies can be added to a BizTalk application.

  2. In the Applications node, expand RuleTestApp.

  3. Click Policies in RuleTestApp.

  4. Right-click in the list on the right, point to Add, and then click Policy.

  5. Expand the ProcessPurchaseOrder node, select the check box for Version 1.3 (Published), and then click OK. .

  6. Right-click ProcessPurchaseOrder, and then click Deploy. If you do not see ProcessPurchaseOrder in the list, press F5 to refresh the view.

  7. Click Yes in the confirmation message box.

Procedures for Deploying the Policy by Using an MSI File

To export the RuleTestApp application to an MSI file

  1. On the Start menu, open BizTalk Server Administration. If you have the tool already open, press F5 to refresh it.

  2. Expand Console Root, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Group, and then expand Applications.

  3. Right-click RuleTestApp, point to Export, and then click MSI file.

  4. On the Welcome to the Export MSI File Wizard page, click Next.

  5. On the Select Resources page, review all the default options, and then click Next.

  6. On the Specify IIS Hosts page, click Next.

  7. On the Dependencies page, click Next.

  8. On the Destination page, specify the directory and name for the MSI as C:\BRE-Walkthroughs\RuleTestApp.msi.

  9. Click Export.

  10. On the Summary page, click Finish.


    When you export the RuleTestApp application, the policies and vocabularies used by the application are also exported in the MSI file. Later, when you import the MSI file, the vocabulary, policy, and application are all re-created.

To delete the RuleTestApp application

  1. In BizTalk Server Administration, right-click RuleTestApp, and check if the Delete menu is enabled or disabled.

  2. If Delete is disabled, right-click RuleTestApp, click Stop, select Full Stop - Terminate Instance, and then click Stop.

  3. Right-click RuleTestApp, and then click Delete.

  4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.


    When you delete an application, all the policies in the application and dependent vocabularies are deleted from the rule engine database as well.

To verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary are deleted

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rule Composer. If you have Business Rule Composer already open, press F5 to refresh it.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. In the Policy Explorer window, expand Policies, and make sure that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy does not exist.

  3. In the Facts Explorer window, expand Vocabularies, and make sure that POVocabulary does not exist.

To import the MSI file to re-create the RuleTestApp application

  1. On the Start menu, open BizTalk Server Administration. If you have the BizTalk Server Administration console already open, press F5 to refresh it.

  2. Expand Console Root, expand BizTalk Server Administration, and then expand BizTalk Group.

  3. Right-click Applications, point to Import, and then click MSI file.

  4. On the Welcome to the Import Wizard page, browse and select the MSI file (RuleTestApp.msi) you exported earlier for the MSI file to import setting.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Application Settings page, click Next.

  7. On the Application Target Environment Settings page, click Next.

  8. On the Import Summary page, click Import.

  9. On the Import Succeeded page, click Finish. You should see that the RuleTestApp application is created under Applications in the BizTalk Server Administration console.

To verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy is added to RuleTestApp

  1. Expand RuleTestApp in the BizTalk Server Administration console.

  2. Select Policies and you should see ProcessPurchaseOrder in the list in the right pane.

To verify that the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy and POVocabulary vocabulary are re-created

  1. On the Start menu, open Business Rule Composer. If you have it already open, press F5 to refresh it.


    On a system that supports User Account Control (UAC), you may need to run the tool with Administrative privileges. To do this, right-click the application, and then select Run as administrator.

  2. In the Policy Explorer window, expand Policies, and make sure that ProcessPurchaseOrder exists.

  3. In the Facts Explorer window, expand Vocabularies, and make sure that POVocabulary exists.

To test the solution

  1. On the Start menu, open BizTalk Server Administration. If you have the BizTalk Server Administration console already open, press F5 to refresh it.

  2. Expand Console Root, expand BizTalk Server Administration, expand BizTalk Group, and then expand Applications.

  3. Right-click RuleTestApp, and then click Start.

  4. Click Start.

  5. Copy SamplePO.xml that you created in Walkthrough: Testing the Policy to the input directory for the orchestration.

  6. You should see an output file in the output directory for the orchestration. Open the output XML file and notice that the value of the Status field is set to Approved.

  7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with SamplePO2.xml, and notice that the value of the Status field in the output document is the same as in the input document (XYZ).


  • It is very important to remember that when you remove a policy from an application, you do not just remove the association between the application and the policy; you also delete the policy and its associated vocabulary from the rule engine database.

  • When you start an application, by default, it deploys the policies automatically. Similarly, when you stop an application and select Full Stop - Terminate Instances, the associated policies are undeployed automatically. When you select Partial Stop - Suspend running instances, the associated policies are not undeployed automatically.

  • You should refresh the views in Business Rule Composer and BizTalk Server Administration console to make sure you are looking at the latest information before performing any operation.

  • If you create a new version of the policy whose earlier version is associated with a BizTalk application, you should manually add the new version of the policy to the application. You should not remove the old version of the policy unless you really want to delete it from the rule engine database.

  • You can merge two or more BRL (Business Rule Language XML file) files into a single BRL file before importing. The following code shows three BRL files. The first BRL file contains the POVocabulary vocabulary. The second BRL file contains the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy. The third BRL file contains both the POVocabulary vocabulary and the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy. The third BRE file is created by performing the following steps:

    1. Create a new file using any file editor and save it as an XML file (for example: POPolicyVocabulary.xml).

    2. Copy the entire XML content from the first BRL file containing the vocabulary.

    3. Copy the ruleset block (starts with the <ruleset> tag and ends with the </ruleset> tag) from the second BRL file.

    4. Save the new file. You can import this single XML file to create the POVocabulary vocabulary and the ProcessPurchaseOrder policy.


    It does not matter in which order the vocabulary and ruleset nodes are listed in the merged BRL file. You can have the ruleset node ahead of the vocabulary node.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
      <vocabulary id="e588676a-ba01-4f37-b59d-91f7e1eb1f1a" name="POVocabulary" uri="" description="">  
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
      <ruleset name="ProcessPurchaseOrder">  
      <vocabulary id="e588676a-ba01-4f37-b59d-91f7e1eb1f1a" name="POVocabulary" uri="" description="">  
      <ruleset name="ProcessPurchaseOrder">  