WCF Adapter FAQs
For more information about adapters, go to the Adapters in BizTalk Server page on MSDN.
The following Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) adapter FAQs are included in this section:
WCF Adapter FAQ: General Conceptual - Frequently asked questions of a general nature as well as conceptual WCF adapter topics.
WCF Adapter FAQ: Message Flow and Mapping - Frequently asked questions about how a message flows in and out of BizTalk Server using the WCF adapters.
WCF Adapter FAQ: Development Libraries - Frequently asked questions about which libraries to use when developing BizTalk adapters.
WCF Adapter FAQ: Using WCF Services - Frequently asked questions about how to access WCF services, custom bindings, and custom behaviors with the WCF adapters.
WCF Adapter FAQ: WCF Endpoints - Frequently asked questions about service endpoints, metadata, and how to publish WCF endpoints with the WCF adapters.
WCF Adapter FAQ: Service Architecture - Frequently asked questions about how to choose a BizTalk pipeline or a WCF behavior, and the types of encoding to select.
WCF Adapter FAQ: WCF Error Handling - Frequently asked questions about how to handle SOAP faults and errors during processing of the WCF adapters.