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Compiler Warning (level 1) CS1580

Invalid type for parameter 'parameter number' in XML comment cref attribute

When attempting to reference an overload form of a method, the compiler detected a syntax error. Typically, this indicates that the parameter name, and not the type, was specified. A malformed line will appear in the generated XML file.

The following sample generates CS1580:

// CS1580.cs  
// compile with: /W:1 /doc:x.xml  
using System;  
/// <seealso cref="Test(i)"/>   // CS1580  
// try the following line instead  
// /// <seealso cref="Test(int)"/>  
public class MyClass  
   /// <summary>help text</summary>  
   public static void Main()  
   /// <summary>help text</summary>  
   public void Test(int i)  
   /// <summary>help text</summary>  
   public void Test(char i)  