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Metadata (Sqlite)

There are two APIs for retrieving metadata in ADO.NET. One retrieves metadata about query results. The other retrieves metadata about the database schema.

Query result metadata

You can retrieve metadata about the results of a query using the GetSchemaTable method on SqliteDataReader. The returned DataTable contains the following columns:

Column Type Description
AllowDBNull Boolean True if the origin column may be NULL.
BaseCatalogName String The name of the origin column's database. Always NULL for expressions.
BaseColumnName String The unaliased name of the origin column. Always NULL for expressions.
BaseSchemaName String Always NULL. SQLite doesn't support schemas.
BaseServerName String The path to the database file specified in the connection string.
BaseTableName String The name of the origin column's table. Always NULL for expressions.
ColumnName String The name or alias of the column in the result set.
ColumnOrdinal Int32 The ordinal of the column in the result set.
ColumnSize Int32 Always -1. This may change in future versions of Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.
DataType Type The default .NET data type of the column.
DataTypeName String The SQLite data type of the column.
IsAliased Boolean True if the column name is aliased in the result set.
IsAutoIncrement Boolean True if the origin column was created with the AUTOINCREMENT keyword.
IsExpression Boolean True if the column originates from an expression in the query.
IsKey Boolean True if the origin column is part of the PRIMARY KEY.
IsUnique Boolean True if the origin column is UNIQUE.
NumericPrecision Int16 Always NULL. This may change in future versions of Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.
NumericScale Int16 Always NULL. This may change in future versions of Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.

The following example shows how to use GetSchemaTable to create a debug string that shows metadata about a result:

var builder = new StringBuilder();
var schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();

foreach (DataRow column in schemaTable.Rows)
    if ((bool)column[SchemaTableColumn.IsExpression])

    builder.Append(" ");

    if ((bool)column[SchemaTableColumn.IsAliased])
        builder.Append("AS ")
               .Append(" ");

           .Append(" ");

    if (column[SchemaTableColumn.AllowDBNull] as bool? == false)
        builder.Append("NOT NULL ");

    if (column[SchemaTableColumn.IsKey] as bool? == true)
        builder.Append("PRIMARY KEY ");

    if (column[SchemaTableOptionalColumn.IsAutoIncrement] as bool? == true)
        builder.Append("AUTOINCREMENT ");

    if (column[SchemaTableColumn.IsUnique] as bool? == true)
        builder.Append("UNIQUE ");


var debugString = builder.ToString();

For example, this query would produce the following debug string:

SELECT id AS post_id,
       random() AS random
FROM post
post.body TEXT
(expression) AS random BLOB

Schema metadata

Microsoft.Data.Sqlite doesn't implement the GetSchema method on DbConnection. Instead, you can query directly for schema information using the sqlite_master table and PRAGMA statements like table_info and foreign_key_list.

For example, this query will retrieve metadata about all the columns in the database.

SELECT t.name AS tbl_name, c.name, c.type, c.notnull, c.dflt_value, c.pk
FROM sqlite_master AS t,
     pragma_table_info(t.name) AS c
WHERE t.type = 'table';

See also