When a fiscal year is complete, you must fiscally close the periods that it comprises to make sure that no more general ledger entries can be posted.
Before fiscal closing is allowed the following must be done:
The fiscal year has been closed first. For more information, see Close Years.
All journal lines that are not posted for the year are either posted or deleted before the year is fiscally closed.
All closing entries are up-to-date.
To fiscally close years
Choose the icon, enter Accounting Periods, and then choose the relevant link.
Choose the Fiscally Close Year check box.
If more than one fiscal year is not fiscally closed, the earliest one should be fiscally closed. A message appears that identifies the year that should be closed and explains the consequences of closing it.
To fiscally close the year, choose the Yes button.
When the fiscal year is fiscally closed, the Fiscally Closed field for all the periods in the year is selected. The fiscally closed year cannot be opened again, and you cannot clear the Fiscally Closed field.
Do you want to discover what steps to take to close a fiscal year in Business Central? The year-end closing processes in Business Central are the final steps in the fiscal year. This module explains how to create and manage accounting periods and how to close a fiscal year.